How do I approach the appeals process with the feeling that I was wrongfully terminated?
I was denied unemployment after being wrongfully terminated because my associate accused me of hitting him, which I did not and if my previous employer did a thorough investigation, they would've seen the video footage of the man chasing after me in a fast paced power walk and not stopping, which had me quite worried and I put my hand up to keep him from getting too close to me. This came after 2 years of me asking my employer and supervisors for help with him, after he had been suspended for 3 days, after he had pulled his job bid which would lower his job title even more than him already working under me, after being reprimanded multiple times for shutting process lines down by the supervisors, after I turned down his advances, and after I had filed a discrimination report against him, and filing a grievance report against the Head of HR who does the hiring and firing. What do I say to file my unemployment appeals request since there's more than one issue leading up to the false accusation and wrongful termination? And how do I approach this with feeling that this is all in retaliation? Will the appeals board even want to hear any of that? Any advice or insight would be appreciated!
0 answers | asked Nov 27, 2018 12:31 AM [EST] | applies to Oregon
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