I think I was wrongfully terminated
I have a felony record. On July 18, 2005, I was hired by Ceja Corporation out of Tulsa, Oklahoma, for a position on their Ponca City seismic crew. I was hired by the Ponca City supervisor. During the hiring process, which included an interview, no mention was made of my criminal history. No inquiries, no questions. Naturally, I didn't volunteer any information, but would have had any kind of question regarding background been asked. As the position was a little rough and tumble, the employees a little rough themselves, I thought that no inquiries had been instituted because personal history was not germaine to employment with the seismic team. On September 26, 2006, I was notified by the Ponca City crew supervisor that I was being terminated because of my felony background. My question is this: If my background was not an issue during the hiring process, nor an issue during the ensuing 14 months of service, how can it be an issue warranting termination? Does merit exist to file a suit for wrongful termination?
1 answer | asked Nov 3, 2006 08:58 AM [EST] | applies to Kansas
Answers (1)

It is difficult to offer a precise answer to your question. If you were employed in Oklahoma, you will need an Oklahoma employment attorney to give you the best possible answer. In general, you were likley an at-will employee and could be terminated for any or no reason. I do not know of facts or a legal theory that would allow one to contest your treatment under these circumstances, unfortunately.
posted by Albert Kuhl | Nov 4, 2006 8:11 PM [EST]
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