How do I keep from owing?
AnonymousJune 30, 2018 at 1:57 PM
I am on FMLA (12 wks job security) and STD (50% average pay for 12 wks). STD is set at 6mo. While this is not work comp (although I did file a security report which was for a work-related injury and haven't been contacted about it...), I sought out my own treatment elsewhere for mold toxicity from my workplace (which is being investigated by OSHA/NIOSH/and the city code enforcement). Hopefully the proper remediation will be enforced and it will be a safe environment for me to return to long enough to give proper notice (I no longer wish to work for this company after 17 years bc it has made me literally sick from the neglect and covering up of the mold for so long instead of addressing it). I had to use the 4 sick days and 1 vacation day that were needed to supplement for getting 20 hrs a week pay while on FMLA and STD for 12 wks before I was able to get the forms submitted... My question is if I DON'T ask for those to be credited back into supplementation from the retroactive start date of my STD (which started on the 1st day of taking those days), will I have to repay those benefits should I not return?? If the work environment is not safe I cannot return, but even if it is, I no longer want to work there. So how/when do I quit so I don't lose benefits or owe anything? And when can I get a new job while receiving benefits when my limitations are only specific to those conditions affecting my health from mold exposure at my "current" job?
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