I am employed under Avisbudget group . 1. Started under Avis car rental . 2. Transferred to different location for 1 year in a different department but was always classified as local 856 teamsters . 3. Went back to Avis rental car . Lost my seniority went
Seniority for shift bidding lost and than either it was purchased budget car rental or if a merge if makes a difference . But my seniority for company time not recognized when we be came avisbudget group , because of me leaving for a year during my time with Avis to different department . But still under local 856 teamsters . And I'm 1 in seniority 37 years covid 19 act been on furlough for a year .higher than all these ladies but because this 20 years ago leaving that 1 year was told seniority only if ever layer off and furlough according to company it's not a layoff I receive medical benefits .
0 answers | asked Mar 1, 2021 06:29 AM [EST] | applies to California
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