I suggested to submit notice of my leaving my organization but was then given two weeks by my employer. I do not wish to quit and communicated this. Can they do this?

In a difficult time I suggested that *maybe* I should quit my organization. I retracted my statement but my employer then gave me until June 6th. I did not officially submit notice nor did I giver her a timeline. Can I fight this?

2 answers  |  asked Jul 5, 2018 10:14 AM [EST]  |  applies to New York

Answers (2)

Jonas Urba
I thought you meant tomorrow, July 6. Too late. You apparently are already gone. Hopefully you collect unemployment benefits and get another job soon. Good luck.

posted by Jonas Urba  |  Jul 5, 2018 10:30 AM [EST]
Jonas Urba
Most employees are "at will." If no union collective bargaining agreement, written term employment contract, or civil service laws protect you then you are probably "at will" like most employees are.

Never joke around or suggest leaving. Employers need absolutely no reason to let most employees go. You opened the door and they went for it. Also, they may deny your unemployment now because they may claim that you quit.

Make sure you deliver a letter to HR, your manager, etc... explaining to them that you had no intention of leaving, you enjoy working there (if you can say that with a straight face), you value them as an employer, and you wish to continue working. Hand that letter to everyone before you leave.

Do you have copies of all your performance evaluations and other important documents which you are lawfully entitled to access and which concern you? Have you LinkedIn connected with everyone you need to connect with to get another job? Have you considered offering to transfer somewhere else if this department is not the right fit for you?

Do whatever you can to stay. If you have to apply for unemployment you may have to say you joked about leaving, they gave you 2 weeks notice, then you did everything in your power to stay and they forced you out anyway. Don't just pack up and go because you may be denied unemployment benefits. Whatever you do, never lie to the DOL. That will assure that you do not recover unemployment benefits. Good luck.

posted by Jonas Urba  |  Jul 5, 2018 10:25 AM [EST]  [ Best Answer - selected by asker ]

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