Is it against MD law for an employer to only pay out 50% of my earned PTO time?
I recently switched to a Government position and my contract company has only paid out 50% on my PTO. Additionally there was a contract issue two weeks prior to leaving the company and I was sent home without pay. After the contract funding was fixed, I work an extra 15 hours to make up time to save my PTO hours (for pay out)due to being out of work for 2 days. I would not have done this had I known they only paid out 50%. I believe I am owed 100% of my PTO.. otherwise why would I put in an extra 15 hours for them to bill the Government. I could have just used PTO hours to cover the 2 days at home.
0 answers | asked Apr 17, 2019 7:36 PM [EST] | applies to Maryland
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