Is it valid if you quit on your second day?

I signed an offer of employment letter, started a job, and quit on the 1st half of my second day.

I got an offer for a better job, the new job was as a sales manager and what I left to go do was Operations. The hotel I was going to work in wasnt ready yet so I never actually went to my actual job, just one day training and half the next before leaving at lunch

Got home and was reviewing the offer documents I signed, when I sent them, I signed the last page of two documents they wanted me to sign and only scaned the signature pages, figuring they had the rest of the documents anyway as they sent them to me. I emailed them back to HR as jpg images

So I now know what I signed was a Non-Compete that states I cant work in the industry for a year or more...!! Can they sue me? Can they send me knew employer a letter and have him fire me? Am I screwed even though I was only there a day and a half?

I havent been paid, if I never get paid does that help? I wont cash any checks that come and I told them not to pay me.

1 answer  |  asked May 3, 2011 3:33 PM [EST]  |  applies to Massachusetts

Answers (1)

Kevin McGann
Under this situation the non-compete would be unenforceable.

posted by Kevin McGann  |  May 5, 2011 06:47 AM [EST]

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