Is there an estimated $ amount that i can win through court working with kansas human rights commission(KHRC) for disability discrimination, workplace retaliation at least 5-6 scenarios of it,workplace discrimination, hostile work enviroment, employer is
for disability discrimination, workplace retaliation,- at least 5-6 scenarios, workplace discrimination, hostile work enviroment, employer is neglient of maintaining a safe work enviroment. The coworker that harrassed me was promoted. I WAS VERY AFRAID OF HIM of him And he knew it. He then through his promotion at the workplace was allowed to enter the rooms my coworkers and were close to 90-100% of the even if we were in each room ALONE cleaning. No there was not any camaras in the laundry area when and where the harrassment took place. I have one witness and also because he was promoted to maintenance. I then was fired because i couldnt work i at the time had a very very serious kidney infection that was septic turning into septic shock i was dying! The infection had entered into my blood stream. I was prescribed very large dosage and narcotics until infection cleared up. Then about 7 days later i still was on medication doctor said around 20 years ago way back when the Doc i would have admitted you to hospitial. Then i go to workplace where i was immediatly called into the office to work i was fired. After the incident second one the newly promoted supervisor had come over to my work area she asked me what happened in the laundry area i advised he being coworker over 200 pounds at least 6'2 he was bullying me and he made a discriminatory stated N word then he said "You havent seen this side of me yet"!!!! He proceeded hit trash can, pudh laundry cart across the room as he came towards me a female coworker said lets go real quietly he had very bad intentions of harming me. Anyways the supervisor stated that the female coworker being my witness said "Oh what happened was no big deal she lied i directly went to the witness i said this what she told me. My coworker disagreed stating she never said that.
Another coworker stated that specific supervisor never asked around about that whole event that took place thus the supervisor also right after incident that there was no room for confrentation in the workplace. The Supervisor told me she talked to him. She never did.
Should i hire an attorney to advise on mediation? Or wait To settle or wait it out and see if it will more benefical if my case goes to trial i know there will be a full investigation? Help.
I feel that i have enough evidence to win compensatory, punitive, emotional,physicall mental distress, i never recieved accomdations for my disability no promotions i was the only person that had to clock out for breaks, discriminatory hiring.
Please advise. If possible.
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