Is this considered retaliation from my employer
Last week I was informed I would be reporting to a new boss because my current boss is leaving. Next day I met w/ new boss and was verbally offered to stay in my current position w/some changes to my role or they would offer me 6 wks severance & my PTO & to think about it. After sharing this surprised offer to my previous boss & co-workers, I then counter offered a severance verbally & in writing and agreed to leave because I've been unhappy with the company. I was informed by old boss to stop talking about my offer because word had gotten out. Two days later I was required to meet with new boss, COO & HR Dir. At that time I was informed I misunderstood and they rescinded their offer and I shouldn't have said anything because it's making them look bad when it was a "misunderstanding on your part." They then sent me home because I said I was upset that they were doing this and I need to wait until they contact me before I can return. New boss told my employees that I "unfortunately decided to leave for the day." Which I did not. Any advice?
0 answers | asked Feb 12, 2013 09:50 AM [EST] | applies to Michigan
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