My ex-employer has been complaining about having to pay my unemployment costs after letting me go.
I got laid off from my job and was at first, denied unemployment. I appealed and I won.
I am currently receiving benefits and have been contacted by multiple old co-workers that my old boss consistently complains about having to pay money into my unemployment pool.
One account an old co-worker had an issue with their paycheck and my old boss told them one of the reasons was that she keeps having to put money towards my unemployment and she is going to appeal it so I no longer get benefits and she no longer has to pay.
I already won so I do not know if this is possible.
But is there a way I can get her to STOP talking about me and my financial status to her current employees?
It really effects me, they are smart enough to know that their late paychecks are NOT because of me...but I feel like it is very wrong for her to keep bringing it up.
What should I do?
Thank you so much.
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