My job flat out lied to me. Can I sue them

I needed to take a leave of absence because I had to have two major surgeries. I hadnt been with the company long enough to have FMLA so the HR had told me if I quit that I will be able to return with a dr release form. So when I was ready to come back they claim they did not have an account for me. So I called daily then they finally to me that I had to reapply. I did and was called for not one but three interviews for me to be turned down for the same job I was already working for the last 9 months. Now they are telling me I have to wait another 6 months to reapply again. I feel like I was lied to is there any action I can take against them?

1 answer  |  asked Oct 31, 2012 05:25 AM [EST]  |  applies to Illinois

Answers (1)

John Otto
The literal answer to your question is, "Yes, you can sue whomever you want." However, the practical answer is that I think you would have a hard time winning. Without knowing exactly what was said and whether there is any documentation of it, I can't tell you absolutely that you would have no chance. But I wouldn't take the case.

posted by John Otto  |  Nov 1, 2012 09:41 AM [EST]

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