Not employed long enough
Started as temp-hire august 1, 2011 during first 4 weeks was asked about forklift history, and asked if I would be interested, which I said yes. and proceeded to tell me its basics . was trained in shipping department, on first shift for 2 weeks then to thirds. from week 5 throughout my time til november I w as complimented by many of the associates and management about the quality of my work and only asked to be more careful on radio and someone said something about an odor coming from the forklift (no mention of what odor was, however it smelled of battery acid strong on certain days) was told it was a jacket and noone was wearing it but me and i should take it home and wash it(I had worn jacket 2 times, associates gene, and Hugo were wearing it more often) I however took it and washed it for good measure. I had an associate who started a rumor that i was telling people no, and refusing to do work, which I immediately reported to supervisor. I was yelled at on several occasions by same associate, snapped at by, heard her insulting other associates, she still works there. I reported safety issues which I was told lets just forget the entire thing , I reported, as requested, issues left by previous shift(items not stacked, aisles blocked, truck not unloaded, etc...) I was told by my Supervior my stop time is when i am to stop, I was told to tell them no and refer them to relief person, who was consistantly late for work, wouldnt answer radio, and would take a very long time to get started. I never refused overtime did not miss any work, was never late, and always did my best to provide everyones needs plantwide.
November 1, 2011 met requirements to start hiring process
November, 8 2011 preemployment physical/drug screen and uniform fitting
November 9-17, 2011 process delayed due to change of manpower representative
notified of orientation on the 16th
november 22, 2011 orientation, sign paperwork, start roki payroll november 28, 2011, and told I was not allowed to bid on jobs however everyone else could after the mandatory wait time.
november 24-27 no work holiday weekend
started work 8:30 pm november 27th on roki payroll, mandatory overtime.
december, 8, 2011 was yelled at and sworn at by 2nd shift supervisor, filed a report on supervisor and was terminated, was told it never happened,I percieved it wrong way, (i know when someone says "fuck and hell and is yelling") told I was being "lippy" (i said maybe five things and all were answers to his questions "yes" "no" talking to melissa"[other supervisor].)
i was told told noone wants you here, noone likes you, been several complaints about me, i was dirty, and I was a big guy and shouldnt be emotionally upset because i was yelled at, was told I never do my job, ignore my radio all the time.
ODJFS says i did not work there long enough to collect unemployment, so even though it was ruled unjustified, I am unable to get benefits. what is my next step, appealed twice and state will not budge. yet another state employment agent said I should recieve full benefits. I dont where to turn or if I am not phrasing something correctly. I am in dire straits losing my home over what i been told was retaliation. any suggestions or avenues to take would be appreciated.
Answers (1)

You can see an employment lawyer and ask whether they addresss unemployment issues. You can select one near you at:
posted by Bruce Elfvin | Feb 7, 2012 09:58 AM [EST]
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