Personnel Policy Benefits Being Denied
In my company's written personnel policy that was given to all employees, it states that if there is an involuntary separation due to a reduction in workforce, all full-time employees will be given a two week notice. I was termintated for reduction in workforce, but was NOT given the two week notice. I asked my employer and he said he didn't have to give that to me since he was giving me my unused 22 days of vacation pay. I said that the vacation pay was due me regardless and was stated as a separate issue in the personal policy. There is no link in the policy between the notice of two weeks and vacation pay. As read it says you get the 2 week notice AND you are paid for unused vacation time. It never says that the two week notice IS your vacation time anywhere in the policy.
I have written a letter to the board of directors explaining all of this, but have not received a response as of yet. What can I do to collect the 2 weeks of pay that I was entitled to under this written policy?
Thanks for your help!
Answers (1)

I do not think you can do anything. The Indiana Supreme Court found that personnel handbooks/policies are not enforceable contracts. You are not required to be given 2 weeks notice under the law.
posted by Brenda Franklin Rodeheffer | May 14, 2004 2:31 PM [EST]
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