Same job description w/different job title, less pay, and less benefits

Can an employer hire 2 people to do the same job but have them classified differently where one employee would receive less pay and less benefits?

1 answer  |  asked Jan 21, 2002 12:36 PM [EST]  |  applies to Texas

Answers (1)

Margaret A. Harris

The answer to this question depends on the reason for the difference in pay. If the difference is due to discrimination on the basis of age, national origin, race, gender, color, religion, or disability, then the difference in pay could very well be illegal. Say, for example, that the employer pays higher wages to people from Holland than it does to people from France -- because it doesn't like people from France. If that is the case, it's illegal. If, on the other hand, the employer pays different wages because of some other reason than these I have listed (like nepotism or family friend or college buddy, etc.), it may very well be legal.

posted by Margaret A. Harris  |  Jan 21, 2002 2:25 PM [EST]

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