Separation Agreement and Employer Filing Conflict
I signed a separation agreement that says 'pay as soon as receive papers for # of weeks". The agreement reads as a 'lump sum.' However, the employer has filed it differently stating that they will pay semi-monthly instead of what the agreement says. There is NOTHING stating a semi-monthly in the agreement stating anything other than "pay # weeks as soon as sign papers". Do I have solid grounds to prove a conflict/win an appeal stating that the separation agreement is in conflict of what the employer actually filed with the state? Of course I am disqualified for UI at the time since the employer filed differently than what the separation agreement. I have been approved for UI and can reapply at the designated date UI sent me in the letter.
I do know that I have to have legal counsel look over the agreement, but, I am basically asking can the agreement say lump sum and the employer basically change their mind after the fact and pay it how they want to regardless to the signed agreement.
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