Sexual harassment
My wife was recently 'forced' to leave her job due to repeated sexual advances and lude behavior by her boss. He would repeatedly corner her, rub up against her, look down her shirt or rub her leg while they were attending to a patient in the dental chair. They worked 4 days per week and on their off days he would call the house and make sexual advances to her over the phone. He would also give her gifts that the other emplyees did not receive. When she did let him know repeatedly that his actions were inappropriate and unwanted, he would ask her, 'where else are you going to get a $17.00/hr job and have time off to be with your terminally ill father?' These actions by him went on the whole time she was employed by him, 5 mos. Apparently there are others in the workplace that have experienced these same actions. On the day she left, he offered her $10,000 after she threatened to file a lawsuit.It is a single Dentist office where he is the boss, employer, etc. She has had trouble sleeping, eating and has been very irritable.
Does she have a case?
Answers (1)

Ohio law prohibits sexual harassment, even by very small employers. You describe sexually harassing conduct. I suspect that the good dentist retaliated against your wife after she complained as well.
If you have difficulty locating an attorney in the Dayton area, I would be willing to do a telephone consultation. I have worked with co-counsel in both Cincinnati and Columbus and would consider taking your wife's case. Your wife may call Bev at 330.665.5445, ext. 0 with any questions and to get on my calendar. While you may participate, the consultation needs to be with your wife.
We should discuss all of the circumstances of her employment, the incidents of harassment, other victims and witnesses, the harm that this has caused her (lost wages and emotional damage)and the costs and risks of litigation.
Best regards,
Neil Klingshirn
posted by Neil Klingshirn | Oct 28, 2003 8:53 PM [EST]
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AV rated Super Lawyer and Employment Law Specialist
Independence, OH
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