Telling perspective employers that I threatened to kill my supervisor

Can a former employer tell a perspective employer that you made threats against other employees. I was terminated from a job after 5 years. I was given an exit interview at HR. Shortly after that I was called by a perspective employer and asked "did you really threaten to kill your supervisor"?. When I called HR to enquire as to why this was being said, and who was saying it, I found that the person that was saying this no longer works for the company. This was only 6 weeks after the interview. It has been over 7 months since my termination, and I still am having problems finding a job, not to mention still being asked if I threatened to kill my supervisor.
I currently am unemployed and cannot afford a consultation fee, although I will pay as much as I can.

1 answer  |  asked Jan 19, 2005 5:11 PM [EST]  |  applies to California

Answers (1)

George Allen

Assuming that you did not threaten to kill your former supe (you don't say), it is likely defamation for your former employer to say that you did so. You should consult an attorney in your area who is familiar with defamation law in the employment context.

posted by George Allen  |  Jan 19, 2005 5:27 PM [EST]

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