This is the only industry we know
My husband and I both have worked in the yellow page industry since 1985. We have worked for all the major companies and have just been terminated with a severance release agreement. Basically we could not work under the current owners of the company. The non-Compete clause that we are tied to states that we have to be outside a 100 mile radius of any of the companies telephone directory markets. Since we both work in this industry we would have to move to Mexico ( I am serious)to work in our field, for a period of 2 years. Is there any court in the US that would not allow us to work in our field in or hometown.
1 answer | asked Jun 2, 2008 8:32 PM [EST] | applies to Kansas
Answers (1)

Noncompete restrictions must be reasonable in geography and time in order to be enforced in court. The definition of 'reasonable' varies, as there is no bright-line definition in the law. Also, judges are empowered to lower the actual breadth of a restriction without simply ignoring the restrictions altogether. I suspect a Judge might have a concern with the breadth of this restriction, if it truly prevents you from working in the continental U.S. If you would like, contact me office for a no-obligation conference on this matter.
Albert F. Kuhl
posted by Albert Kuhl | Jun 4, 2008 8:12 PM [EST]
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