What are my rights against harrassment from a coworker?

I have been employed at the same hospital since 1996 and have never had any issues or disciplines until this other per who just hired in about 2 years ago came. She is constantly reporting me to management and telling them lies that have all been proved to be untrue. For example there is to be no personal cell phone use and she told them I text all the time at work so I went back to Oct. 2009 on my cell phone record usage and proved that during work hours there is no activity on my phone bill. She also calls my other coworkers at home to try to talk negatively about me. It is causing me extreme emotional distress and I get very upset and nervous and don't want to go into work in the days that she is working too. I have notified my direct manager and the Cheif of Nursing and it continues. I don't beleive they have even spoken to her. She has even gotten another nurse fired with her false accusations. What can I do? I have so many years vested in that place and know all the coworkers well and work well with the rest, she is the problem and it is getting now where everyone dreads when they have to work with her. HELP!!

0 answers  |  asked Mar 7, 2010 9:04 PM [EST]  |  applies to Indiana

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