What can be done when you know you were set up in being fired, but have difficulty proving it?
A new GM was assigned to my store while I was in training. On his first day of work, he displayed outright hostility towards me. I was treated as unequal. He had me doing things that were everything but related to management. I wasn't even scheduled to attend the weekly staff meetings which is supposed to be a mandatory thing for me to do. Detailing cars everyday by myself. Cursing at me for different things he was unhappy about. He thought that by working me so diligently that I would resign and when I didn't, he devised other ways to get rid of me. And those were really strategized. He left at 7:30p one evening after asking me to close. I had been on the road all day long traveling back after being in Tuscaloosa, AL all week. I arrived at 7:00p. The store closed at 8:00. When he asked me to close, I assumed all the other managerial duties had been done. I didn't leave the store until 10:30p...it takes that long for running reports and all that is involved in that process. The next morning he told me that I failed to get the keys out of all the vehicles on the lot the night before and got all over me. I was in shock. As a manager, he never communicated to me that he needed me to make sure this was done before I left that night. On Saturday, the next day, he brought out the grill and opened the doors in the back and later put the grill back after he got done later that afternoon. I made sure the doors he had opened were closed, but assumed he had locked them back, as well. When I reported to work on the following Tuesday, he approached me about the alarms going off on the weekend and police coming out because I had failed to lock the doors in the back before I left on Sat. night. I couldn't believe it. I just knew I was set up, but I couldn't prove it. But one thing he didn't realize I knew is that when the alarm system is activated at closing, any doors not secured would be indicated by the alarm going off immediately alerting the closing person to the fact. Now they are denying me unemployment benefits. I had a right to appeal and I did, and won the appeal with the Adm. Law Judge allowing the respondent the right to re-appeal her decision in my favor. Now I have to appeal again because after their appeal, three other judges reversed the first judge's decision saying I have to reimburse all the unemployment compensation I received. I can't just sit here and let this guy run all over me. There are many reasons I am confident he set me up, but it wasn't as surreal until I saw the accusations he had made in an email against me to corporate and seeing they were all lies. What it boils down to is I was terminated based on hearsay.
0 answers | asked Jan 6, 2011 12:23 PM [EST] | applies to Indiana
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