What is the best advice you can give to me given this current situation?
I've been having some problems with a new HR Director in my job. I feel since she came to work in our company she's been nothing but hostile towards me. I have viewed my complaints during our directors' meetings, I feel that I have been retaliated against in ways that I speak up against her. I've had several incidents in work that I have written up, to keep track of what is going on and for protection. Now I've been suspended w/o pay for something that occured back in July 2010. I am the maintenace supervisor of my department with a staff of 3 men under my supervision. It all came about when I hired one temp to work in my department and his time was over until she praised his work and decided to hire him for odd jobs around the building. She said he works for her yet sometimes would work in my department as needed. I treated him with the same respect as my other staff but he kept complaining I disrepect, dislike him when I'm the one who hired him in the first place. Everyday I provide my staff with a list of tasks to be completed on a daily basis that is rotated on a weekly basis. So everyone has a turn at different tasks. He started complaining he gets more than the others and he cannot finish the tasks in the time expected of. I give them all more than enough time to complete a task. Obvious being in the maintenance department other tasks do come up, such as a sick child, an accident, etc. The rest of the staf never complain for this. I've been in this company for 10 years and never had any complaints against me. I'm not sure on what I should do at this point.
0 answers | asked Oct 7, 2010 1:47 PM [EST] | applies to New Jersey
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