Voluntary Quit vs Termination: Does a termination letter override a job abandonment claim?
03/10/20 Full time driver at Domino's
10/24/20 Verbal permission was granted for a 28 day leave
Leave was for job training with Amazon
11/16/20 Resigned from Amazon training because job was too physical
11/19/20 Before returning back to work at Domino's I was terminated
I was terminated by the company via email
The termination email cited my motor vehicle record
01/17/21 I filed for unemployment based on the termination email I received
07/13/21 Domino's failed to establish reason for my separation
This resulted in my claim being approved
07/28/21 Domino's appealed the decision claiming I did not return to work
Employee Handbook states I must have written permission for this leave
11/11/21 Appeal hearing by phone was scheduled for Friday, 12/10/21
Will the termination letter define the REASON FOR SEPARATION?
Or will the Employee Handbook define the REASON FOR SEPARATION?
Did the last day I clocked in at Domino’s establish my LAST DAY WORKED?
Or will the termination date in the email establish my LAST DAY WORKED?
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