Working in NH. Started a job for one position and after 8 months i was doing more thatn i was hired to do, alot more. My supervisor during my first review promised a substantial raise for extra extra work i was doing. After 4 years, 4 reviews, and taking
Working in NH. Started a job for one position and after 8 months i was doing more than i was hired to do, a lot more. My supervisor during my first review promised a substantial raise for extra extra work i was doing. After 4 years, 4 reviews, and taking away aspects of my job every time for asking for the raise, he would accuse me of actions i never committed. After his last accusation I went to HR and asked if she could investigate his accusations and the raise i was promised every year for 4 years. HR, the supervisor and our supervisor returned with a raise but also took away my ability to work from home. they said i had no choice because if was for the companies benefit. Lets go back 4 years. I quit 4 years ago 6 months after i started. The supervisor had quit before me and new Supervisor
took his place. I had already filled out my exiting papers and exiting interview was done too. three days before i left the new supervisor offered me a new position working working from home and i took it. back to present, so i took the raise and told i had no choice to take the offer and work from the office. Next he gave m y review. Yes, you guessed it. The review was horrific. A complete 360 of my last three reviews and my move back to the office he stated several times he felt i should work at the office and not for the companies benefit. Things didn't get better. He is nitpicking everything I do, so i started coping my coworkers in our department on all of our emails. He took offense to it and told me i had to copy the supervisor on all forms of communications i have with our coworker, no exceptions. is there anything i can do? the supervisor has done this to an employee who used to work with him and another employee (female) left because of his abusive behavior. i hope I came across clear because the current situation is stressed me out to the max!!!!
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