Wrongful demotion.
The other day I went into work and my boss tells me that she has to demote me. The first thing that she says is that she needs me more available. I am also a full time student so the only thing that changed from last semester were the days that I need off for school switched. I could still work the same hours just needed to take Tuesday and Thursday off instead of Monday and wednesday. She thwn proceeds to tell me that she thinks I am too stressed out and overwhelmed with school and work and that I need to focus on my school so she's going to demote me from full time to part time working only one day a week. I am a person that will not argue and will just agree so that was what I did. She then tells me that a sales associate under me has already taken her drug test so I need to leave my keys for her so when her drug test comes back, she can have them. So it just dawned on me that she already promoted someone to take my position BEFORE she even told me she was demoing me. Here's the thing. A couple days before this, I almost passed out at work and had to have an ambulance come. I was by myself so a customer had to help me. I went home after I got checked out and my boss gave me the next day off. Well she told me about the demotion the next time I came to work. She said that it had nothing to do with that situation, but what a coincidence. I don't know. I just feel like something is wrong.
0 answers | asked Jan 15, 2016 12:04 PM [EST] | applies to Oklahoma
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