can my work deny me fmla if i got hurt on the job and was off 5 months?
I got hurt at work ( I work at a hospital) and was off for 5 months. They recently made me come back even though the dr they sent me to didn't think it as a good time. They threw in my face that I only had a month left of being off or I would lose my benefits for myself and my family. My dr filled ou the fmla but I just foundout that I was denied because I haven't worked 1250 in the year. I was off for 5 months out of the 12 months. are they supposed to go back from the date of injury? I would of have the hours but since being off for that long I don't. They are giving me nothing but a hard time.
0 answers | asked May 17, 2016 8:03 PM [EST] | applies to Michigan
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