discrimination /retaliation or both
The company I worked for was sold on April 1st 2006 The regional manager for the new company came aboard and started making decisions based on what the old supervisor suggested to him for example " this certain person should be the new supervisor" even though I had the experience and senority. So the regional manager spoke to the staff and told us that this person is the new lead technician and between him and I they would choose a new supervisor depending on who shines the most and that my old supervisor would be checking on us to see who it would be. A co-worker and I had filed a racial discrimination case against the old supervisor and another co-worked with the old company and they basically said we have nothing to stand on so when I saw that this old supervisor was going to be the judge of who gets what position I called HR of the new company and told them about the prior complaint. They started their investigation and came to a conclusion and terminated those two employees. The new lead tech was to become the supervisor till I showed the new company that he was unable to perform his duties and he was sent out on medical disability. I in turn became the lead technician but was now told by the regional manager that there will be NO supervisor at this property. I feel that the regional manager is upset with me because I made him look like he was not doing his job properly. My co-worker has been wanting to advance himself in his position and I was told by the regional manager that in order for him to advance that he must become CFC certified like everyone else that wants to advance into a service tech position. I was shocked when I was told that another employee at our sister property advanced himself but he is not CFC certified. Being lied to is not illegal but having different requirements from one property to another is wrong. We believe that we are being treated differently because of our prior complaint as well as the showing the regional manager that he has made some wrong choices. There are a lot more details to this but I tried to make this short so I can get a response.
Thank you for your time.
Answers (1)

Before I respond to your inquiry, I must state that we have not spoken, I have not reviewed the relevant documents and facts, and I do not represent you. Therefore, my discussion below is not a legal opinion, but is informational only. Finally, my discussion applies only to issues to which Pennsylvania or Federal law apply, unless otherwise specified.
That being said, you may have a claim for discrimination and/or retaliation. You appear to have been treated differently in the requirements for promotion, and you appear to have been punished for having made a complaint of discrimination not once, but twice. Both acts by your employer, if truly discrimination/retaliation, are illegal. Your damages may include the value of the lost promotion and damages for the stress of the environment due to your employer's actions, as well as your attorneys' fees.
If you would like to discuss this matter further, please feel free to contact me at the below address(es) or number.
/Christopher E. Ezold/
Nancy O'Mara Ezold, P.C.
One Belmont Avenue,
Suite 501
Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004
(610) 660-5585
posted by Christopher Ezold | Jul 30, 2006 12:01 PM [EST]
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