do i have any rights
I was haired by manpower to work for Hitachi I did a great job when my night shift management found out I was Arabic every thing changed I was the last one to take a break I worked 12 hours a night my from 7 to 7 my 1st break at 11pm or 11:30 only 30 mint. my lunch aeound 3 or 3;45 when ever every one is back and when my management are back I have to ask if I can take a break will one day I had eye injury I asked manpower management if I can go he said no they need me to stay and just go wash it off (it's hard to wash a spider bit of any eye ) will I stayed but every 2 hours or so I has to go to bathroom and wash it off and air it out I work in a the clean room production is processing Wafer /hard drive hi tech my uniform everything is covered but the eyeys will 3 days later I was taking out from Hitachi by manpower and the reason because I was taking to many breaks they said the time my eye was injured and they refuse to send me home when I need it till this day it's been a month and a half manpower did not send me out on a job and was told to file for unemployment till they do so I did till my manpower management about the way Hitachi management was treating a month after I started when they found out I'm Arabic and I asked to be removed to a different shift but I was turned down I just need to know what to do. Thank you
0 answers | asked Jul 13, 2011 3:51 PM [EST] | applies to California
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