how do i stop an individual from calling my employer to lie to them to get me fired

i have a problem with an individual who keeps calling and lying to my employer and trying to get me fired this person has called mulitple times all because i ended my friendship with this person for my own safety and she calls my employers says thing like i do drugs on the clock and im an unsafe employee and all of which is a lie

1 answer  |  asked Apr 20, 2016 12:48 PM [EST]  |  applies to New York

Answers (1)

Jonas Urba
Police department. Sounds very similar to stalking or interference with your right to earn a living.

If your employer has recorded or recognized the caller's phone number, name, or voice the caller is slandering or defaming you. If you could prove damages, for example you lost your job, because your employer believed the caller, the information provided was false, and your employer believed the information then you could sue them for damages in a civil action.

A better option might be to go to the police. Again, if your employer has evidence, such as witnesses who recognize the caller or recorded conversations since only one party needs to consent to record in New York and that could be your employer, the police will help you present your case to a judge where you can request an Order of Protection to keep that person a certain distance from you or to prevent them from discussing your employment with anyone. The judge can order the caller to stay clear of you or your employer for a year or longer.

If you have proof such orders are granted regularly. Orders of Protection are no longer just for domestic or family disputes.

Good luck.

posted by Jonas Urba  |  Jul 21, 2016 1:03 PM [EST]

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