is it my responsibility to inform the employment agency if the company the send me to has me doing a different job/position than I was sent to do.
I was sent on an assignment to be an inspector/packer for a company. About 1 week into my assignment I was asked if I would like to do a utility/material handling position, that I had previous experience with for this company. It was never reported to the employment agency to my knowledge. This position is usually filled by the company's employees and usually came with a wage increase.(that I was never compensated for) several weeks in to the new duties that the company's supervisor asked me to do. I has a shop vac fall off of a set of portable stairs and landed on my head. I felt light headed after. So I reported it to my immediate supervisor. He felt after hearing my account of what had happened that an incident report should be filled out. Three or four days later I left work and went to the Emergency Room because of constant headaches neck pain and dizziness. After being diagnosed with a concussion I returned to my place of assignment and told my Immediate supervisor what the E.R. had said about my condition and that they administered a shot to help with the tense muscles and pain. He informed me that I wouldn't be able to return to work until I got a release from a M.D. I followed what the E.R. had instructed me to do and made an appt. with my Primary care provider. which took several days to be seen. I was told that I could return to work if I felt I was able to but if I didn't feel like I would be able to do my assigned job duties that I should call and asked to be seen before my scheduled follow up for 6 weeks from the day I was released. I returned to work and seemed to be ok the first day or two I returned. After that I was experiencing slight headaches and was not able to stay focused on my job duties and received help. After about 2 more days of work I was talked to about attendance and productivity. When I than complained again about my headaches and neck pain, I was told that I had been released from medical care to return to work so that shouldn't be an issue. I than was upset and feeling like I wasn't doing my part to help the productivity of the team, but in fact being a hindrance by needing extra help and causing others to get behind on their job duties. So I went to my immediate supervisor and gave him my employee badge and told him that I just couldn't do the job any more, and felt that I should return to the doctor for some further evaluations/testing to make sure that I didn't sustain a brain injury or anything else. That I would also be willing to return on a light duties restriction so that I would be there trying to help the team and wouldn't be loosing more time from work. I had asked him on more than one occasion if I needed to report the incident to any one other than him. For example to the safety manager and or to the employment agency. He told me not to worry about it that they would send a copy of the incident report to the employment agency and if the need me to do anything that they would get in touch with me with further instruction. After handing my employee badge to my supervisor I returned home and asked my wife to call the doctors office back and schedule an appointment. She said she would first thing Monday morning when they were open. Monday before I was able to schedule an appointment I received a call from the employment agency that they were informed that I walked off of the job. When I explained the situation they told me that it was my reasonability to report the incident to them myself and that I did indeed voluntary quite my assignment, and to let them know when I was better and would be able to return to work. So I never went back to the doctor I stayed at home for several weeks letting my concussion heal. After my scheduled follow up appt. that I was un able to make it to due to having issues at home from the added stress of no income in to the home and it getting closer to the holidays I was staying with my mother out of state. I received a call from the employment agency about a job offer with a Hog confinement for a bout the same pay I was receiving at the previse assignment. I agreed to accept the offer and was told that my resume would be summited and that I would receive a call when they heard back. After about 2 days I called and inquired about this said position and was told that they had not heard anything yet but would call me when they heard back. Several days later I called to inquire about this job opportunity and asked if there would be any where they could place me until they heard back. I was told that she would check into and call me back. Later that afternoon she called me and told me about another job opening with the same pay. I again agreed to accept the job and was told that my information would be submitted and I would be notified when they received a call from the place to proceed with my employment. After 2 weeks of being told that the employment agency had no assignments for me and have not heard back from either place I was a little irritated and starting to feel like I was getting the "ring around", I filed for unemployment benefits and was denied because the employment agency stated that when I walked off the job that I ended my employment with them as well. So I was denied my unemployment but in my hearing when I was informed this and they had on record that a sustained an injury outside of the job, and that it was my responsibility to contact them when I was injured and that it was my negligence for not doing so and that when I turned my badge in to my supervisor that I didn't explain anything to him and when He asked me if I was quitting that I smiled and walked away. I feel that there was a lot of miscommunications in this situation. That the employment agency had more information about the situation then they were admitting to. As a result of me leaving the job site in the manner I did that I ended my employment with them and would have to go through the application process again to be considered employed through them. If this was the case why was I not informed of this until an unemployment hearing. Why did they contact me about 2 different job offers if I wasn't employed through them any more. Is there anything that I can due to have any of the injustices that I feel that I have encountered. Or any way that I might be entitled to lost wages and emotional distress that I have endured because of the financial strain that it has caused myself and family. I have been seeking employment consistently since this but am still unemployed after several months of looking for employment. I had a nerves breakdown and attempted suicide by cutting my wrist, and taking unnecessary risk while driving and rolled my vehicle and deployed every air bag in a Town and Country van. I feel that having the negative job experience on my job history is hindering me from further employment. I feel that this whole situation would have been avoided if I wasn't asked to step in a job role that I had expirance in but no further training than a forklift certifaction. I struggled to complete my dayliy job duites that were being required of me in this new role and was constantly going in early and staying after my shculde shifts to complete and asked my immediate suppervisior if I could get some additional training so that I could learn to be more efficient at this role I was doing, and told him that I felt that the company was taking advantage of a contract employee by having me do this job for the same pay as an inspector/packer. I also expressed to him that I felt that I had been proving my worth to the company and should be considerd to be hired on through the company early. I was also helping trian company employees on how to completer certain task with the issuing and locating of the materials for work orders. So I feel strongly that the incident that I had was due to stress of training company employees as well of not being as efficient as I could have been in this role with more training, and with the consideration of becoming an employee through the company with a lot better benefit package. Thank you in advance for any thoughts or suggestions.
0 answers | asked Mar 4, 2020 11:23 AM [EST] | applies to Iowa
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