my boss died and he has already wrote a check out to me he would of gave it the next day when we had an apt at DMV but he died in his sleep we had a out of court settlement typed up and signed with a witness and he has already paid half of it off and the

my boss died and he has already wrote a check out to me he would of gave it the next day when we had an apt at DMV but he died in his sleep we had a out of court settlement typed up and signed with a witness and he has already paid half of it off and the pink slip to the 5th wheel was field out to me but the police took the folder that these things were in witch I have no ideal why they took his folder and now it sits in property until family member clams it witch he has a son { NO GOOD } so I know he would not be willing to give me my things so how do I clam money still owed to me plus how can I get my things with my name on them from the property at the cop shop please help me

0 answers  |  asked Nov 1, 2017 11:58 PM [EST]  |  applies to California

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