non-compete Ann McK

I have a non-compete contract that states if teminated,I will not be employed for 6 any territory that I functioned on behalf of the Co. @ any time during the last 12 mos. preceeding termination,by any firm, person, or Corp. which is competitive w/ the Co. and which distributed or markets products which are similar to the product of the Co.& which were sold by me.Is this legal in the state of Texas. If I didn't sign the contract I would not have a job.PLease advise.Ann

1 answer  |  asked Sep 25, 2001 08:46 AM [EST]  |  applies to Texas

Answers (1)

Margaret A. Harris
Non-Compete Agreements Serious Business

Non-compete agreements are serious business for employees in today's workplace. These contracts are designed to keep you from working after the end of your employment because the employer thinks you might hurt its business were you to go to (or become) a competitor. This is a contract, just like you would sign a contract to, for example, buy something. So, you must take this matter seriously. Each situation is different too. You need to consult with a lawyer who knows this field. She or he will be familiar with the law, and will have to review the documents and the circumstances with you. It's worth spending some money to get a consultation with someone who knows the law in this area. If you don't get good legal advice now, you may wind up defending yourself in very costly litigaiton that your employer could file against you later. And, I will add, if someone is defending you in litigation, there is no such thing as a contingency interest. Call an lawyer on MEL's list in an area near you and make an appointment.

posted by Margaret A. Harris  |  Sep 25, 2001 09:49 AM [EST]

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