retlation by removing pay increase.
I'm a govt employee and last May the other program manager left for another job. In the interim I have been doing both positions. A few months into doing so mgmt. brought up giving me a pay raise. This never occurred and they hired a new executive director and justified the position by saying that person was going to be doing some the other program managers duties. A few months into this persons term I was still doing both positions as well as having to train this new executive director. Around this time I asked again about the pay increase. Paper work was then filed by mgmt. to get me more pay. While this was pending I asked why I'm still having to do both positions plus extra duties. After bringing this up the paperwork for my pay increase was rescinded from state personnel and it seems this was done as retaliation for me questioning why I'm having to do all the work on the grant. Do I have any rights to file this being retaliation? I have no write ups and there have been no issues with my job performance.
0 answers | asked Apr 17, 2015 08:25 AM [EST] | applies to New Mexico
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