would this qualify as defamation/sex discrimination/hostile job environment?

I've been working with a company for two years and I recently became aware that during this time my employer conducted two separate investigations of alleged Sexual Harassment being filed against me. My employer never made me aware of the allegations but an employee told me about it. I've suspected that something like this happened since my coworkers make sarcastic comments and jokes to ridicule me all the time because I'm supposedly a pervert.
Are the employers not supposed to make the alleged harasser part of a fair "fact finding" investigation? has my employer slander me by failing to make me part of the investigation that everyone knew about it except me?
My understanding is that there is something called symmetry in Sexual harassment in which both the accuser and the accused story are treated with the same degree of scrutinity. Has my employer intentionally committed sex discrimination by enterily believing the accusers and ignoring/failing to interview me to allow to defend myself?

I haven't been fired and No adverse actions were taken that would affect me financially but an adverse action was done by my employer creating a hostile atmosphere in the workplace, as well as I've suffered a great deal of emotional distress due to such hostility in my job and finding out that investigations were conducted behind my back.

Can I request copies of the investigations? have my civil rights being violated? do I have any legal recourse?


0 answers  |  asked May 4, 2010 12:30 PM [EST]  |  applies to Idaho

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