Can I sue for wrongful termination in NC?
I was 'let go' supposedly because of COVID. I was a Teacher Assistant at a private school. I had been there 6 years, longer than any other TA. In fact, the class that was 'lost' due to low enrollment was a 3yr old class. I worked in the 4's. The TA in the class that went away, had only been a TA for half the school year(2020). However, this person is a Parent of a child who attends the private school. I still have a child in school but my family did not make enough money to have our child there, even with discount. The school is very expensive. I feel like I was discriminated for not being wealthy enough to have my child at this school.
0 answers | asked Oct 29, 2020 4:11 PM [EST] | applies to North Carolina
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