Discrimination/wrongful termination

I have been discriminated against as well as wrongfully terminated. I was recently terminated from my Supervisor position. The reasons stated on the termination letter (which I can prove to be false) states that my "Reliability and pro-active communication with the operation has been below expectation, Causing my team to miss out on information and excitement". The letter proceeds to state inaccurate information about my communication with my manager (who by the way terminated me). I have wittnesses (other sups. subordinates, other department personell) and documentation to proove that my performance at this company has been excellent at worst, and that the manager implimented discriminatory activity against me, but I don't know how to proceed. Can you guide me in how to proceed?

3 answers  |  asked May 14, 2001 3:21 PM [EST]  |  applies to California

Answers (3)

Abraham Goldman
Discrimination/Wrongful Termination

Dear Mr. Moore:

The answers above just about say it all...a good lawyer now has to be consulted with more details on:

1. What is the discrimination you perceive?

2. What is wrongful about your termination, other than the lies & B.S. excuse?

Happy to talk to you for no initial charge....24 years experience in this area. In Northern California.

Abraham Goldman
800 945 9446

posted by Abraham Goldman  |  May 14, 2001 7:15 PM [EST]
Janet M. Koehn
how to proceed

the best way to proceed is right to the office of an attorney who specializes in employment law. many factors affect your rights. if you are a public employee, you lose certain rights, but gain others. you may be protected by state and federal antidiscrimination laws, but only if your employer is a covered employer, and you are a member of a protected class. if you have no written or implied contract, you can be terminated for any reason, a stupid reason, a false reason, or no reason, as long as it is not an illegal reason. if you have given up certain rights, your rights of recovery may be limited.
you have a limited time to protect your rights. if you wish to contact me for a free telephone interview, please call.
janet m. koehn

posted by Janet M. Koehn  |  May 14, 2001 6:27 PM [EST]
Richard J. Vaznaugh
Discrimination on what basis?

What do you think was the reason for them to terminate you? For example, did you complain about someting you believed was illegal, excercise a right they did not like, or were you treated diferrently because of your race, gencer, disbality, illness, age or other group characteristic. Also, did you work there a long time or receive promises you would not be fired unless there was good cause?

posted by Richard J. Vaznaugh  |  May 14, 2001 4:53 PM [EST]

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