Employee Handing Out Performance Survey at Workplace

Assuming there is no prohibition in the written policies of the company I work for, is it otherwise legal for me to hand out a questionnaire to my fellow employees asking them to rate and comment on my job performance to help counter my supervisor's perception that I am not meeting his performance standards?

1 answer  |  asked Nov 18, 2002 9:59 PM [EST]  |  applies to Massachusetts

Answers (1)

Evan Fray-Witzer
One question, two answers

I liked this question so much, I've decided that it needs two answers. The first answer is, assuming that there are no policies to the contrary, there is no problem (technically) in handing out such a survey. HOWEVER...

This brings me to answer number two, which answers a slightly different question, but is (I think) more important. Although there is no legal prohibition to your handing out such a survey (and personally, I find it a clever idea), this does not mean that you could not be terminated for doing so. Why? Well, the employer might feel that your handing out such a survey was sowing dissent. Or, more likely, they might argue that it was making others uncomfortable because they felt they had to give you a positive response, regardless of their feelings. Or the company could just decide that you were a "troublemaker."

All of this is a long winded way of reminding you that we are an employment at will state which means that, with some very narrow exceptions, most people can be terminated for a good reason, a bad reason, or no reason whatsoever.

Good luck.


posted by Evan Fray-Witzer  |  Nov 18, 2002 10:32 PM [EST]

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