I have a full time position with my company for more than 20 years. Recently another facility approximately 50 miles away has had some staffing issues. It has been requested from my employer that I work at the other facility for one month until they can f
1. I have worked at my currently location for 20 years
2. another location 50 miles away is short on staff and I am being asked to work there for one month until adequate staff is hired
3. they will compensate paying mileage
4. the travel time of 3 hours a day vs. my current commute time of 20 minutes can cause a hardship.
5. My current vehicle needs work and I am worried that my vehicle will not be able to handle the added commute
6. I live close to my elderly parents that I check in on 3 times weekly. I am worried that I won't have the time to do this working so far away.
7. the reason that I was told I was I was requested was because I was the most senor on the team.
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