I left my job as a medical assistant after 11 years and 9 months. After the assistant manager come to me (I start my shift at 8:30am), at 10am and told me:

I left my job as a medical assistant after 11 years and 9 months. After the assistant manager come to me (I start my shift at 8:30am), at 10am and told me: "at 11am some body else will take over and you will be a floter for now" I ask the provider i work for: "if she complain about me? she said nooo" well I went to my superviser and ask what is going on and she said: "are a lot of complain about you and make to dificulte to the provider". Well I got so frustated because all the bad thing they did to me and my co workers this pass 3 years they took over this company. I wrote a letter of resignetion I gave to them and left the office. For more of a year I did my work as a MA and receptionist because they refused to gave me help and i finish working in my lunch hour I punch out and came back to work and punch in an hour later that way I don't have problem with them, because they don't want to pay over time, and I can finish my work. Plus more things they do to me, like I have to cover 3 doctors at the same time because of lack of common sense and management on their part. But if we made a mistake the write us up. We are not machines, we are just as human as their clients. I fill I was treated unfair, blame me of thing i didn't do, I was tire of everything but now I am out of work and I thing that is what they want to the employees have many years in the company live. I want to report all the abuse, discrimination, bullyingva again employees, but I don't know how or where. Thank you

1 answer  |  asked Aug 4, 2018 7:24 PM [EST]  |  applies to New York

Answers (1)

Jonas Urba
Most employees are required to complain about discrimination before they quit. This gives an employer a chance to correct the problem.

Constructive discharge or being forced to quit is hard to prove. If you were written up for poor performance it makes it even harder.

If you applied for unemployment and honestly stated you quit you will need to timely request a hearing when you are presumably denied. If you do not prevail at that hearing how would you prove constructive discharge.

Employers have the right to change policies and direct employees as they see fit. Next time line up a new job before you quit your current job. It's at will employment and no employer needs to be nice to any employee. They should treat everyone equally. If you lack any skills that other employees have you need to improve them. Good luck!

posted by Jonas Urba  |  Aug 5, 2018 06:09 AM [EST]

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