I work for a Florida company. I receive PTO and vacation days. It is accrued and posted on my paycheck. My paycheck stub showed PTO available. I took the PTO with the written permission of my direct manager. Now the company HR says I used too much and ter
My company posts the PTO and vacation hours earned on your paycheck stub. My stub showed PTO hours available. I would take an hour here or there but with the written permission of my manager first. The company has stated I used too much PTO and terminated me for this. I had enough vacation days earned and not taken that would have covered this overage of PTO. I offered to exchange vacation days for the PTO hours. I am not the only one this happened to. There were 5 people who had excess hours used. Only 2 of us were fired. The other three were managers and were allowed to pay back or settle with the company to reimburse the hours What recourse do I have? Shouldn't all involved either be fired or allowed to reimburse the company? Also, I am a salaried employee. My paychecks were always wrong. Never the same amount as they should be. I also was asked or expected to work over time consistently. I sometimes worked 60 to 70 hours per week with no overtime. I want my job back. The HR person said I can appeal my termination with the head of HR but I am concerned if I do that I may hurt any legal action I may take. What is the best way to handle this.
1 answer | asked Dec 4, 2016 08:17 AM [EST] | applies to Florida
Answers (1)

posted by Phyllis Towzey | Dec 4, 2016 1:29 PM [EST]
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