Is it illegal for my employer to take my PTO without authorization?
Is it illegal for my employer to offer PTO but automatically take it through the payroll system without authorization? let me clarify that there was a new policy put in place that we accrue .98 hours of PTO per week and we can use it for whatever reason we will not be at work that day. Some employees would rather not use their PTO days if they are only having to leave a couple hours before the end of shift or if they miss a day because they are sick. Also, they are saying that if you do not have PTO and you miss a few hours you get what is called an occurrence. half for missing half or less than half of your shift, or a whole occurrence for missing the full 8 hour shift. I am wondering if there is someone who could tell me if it is legal for them to take my PTO without authorization, as well as give me the resources to research further. thank you.
1 answer | asked Sep 20, 2016 2:25 PM [EST] | applies to Florida
Answers (1)

posted by Phyllis Towzey | Sep 20, 2016 3:09 PM [EST]
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