Is this wrongful termination in eyes of law?
We were required to take a "random" drug test that made the whole company on site participate...My husband left before his was completed because our son got bit by a scorpion but I stayed and willing took the drug test. It was an observed specimen and I passed the drug screening and there were no issues or concerns presented or questioned at time. I had to stay on site in clinic the entire day quarantined from employees that hadnt had screening and provided no breaks including no lunch break. I was in clinic from 8am - 4pm. My husband was terminated for leaving the site and not having finished his screening. I was still employed and working as usual for 3 days until my supervisor approached me and inquired about my intentions since it was concluded my husband could not return to work there. I informed him I had no intention of quitting or leaving and believed that my employment was based on my work and not contingent upon my husband employment. I was told that would be fine. The next morning I received a phone call from the lab in charge of drug screens that were sent off and informed that they had found my urine specimen to be invalid and didnt meet parameters in accordance to their tests. I asked why there wasn't a problem when the specimen was given that day and wasn't given a clear answer. I proceeded to inform my safety supervisor that after the conversation and this phone call I felt targeted and like I was being pushed out since my husband was no longer employed. I was told he would check on it and not to worry. That same day one hour before shift ends, I was informed I needed to participate in another observed drug screening and failure to do so or provide specimen would be just like a positive result and I would be let go. Needless to say I willing went but having no notice I had previously used restroom after lunch and couldn't provide the amount needed for specimen after many attempts in the 3 hour allotted time so I was terminated on the spot. Are they liable for wrongful termination?
0 answers | asked Oct 13, 2017 1:13 PM [EST] | applies to Mississippi
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