My bosses boss told my co-workers that I would not be coming back to work. I had been off for some months due to physical issues. He did not tell me at all, just those I work with. Is that illegal, or just inconsiderate?
I have been off work since January 21 of this year. First due to a total knee replacement and was on FMLA for 3 months. Then I continued to be off work as pain in the opposite leg gradually got worse, which began October, 2019, and I was unable to do my job as it is a very physical position. My work allowed me to be off on family leave and I talked with my HR person every 2 weeks or so to update him. I could not get in to see a doctor/specialist due to the COVID-19 closures. Finally in June I had an appointment for the first time where I could see the doctor in person. We tried injections and that did little to ease the pain. Then a few weeks ago, one of my co-workers told me "Tom", my bosses boss was at my workplace and informed them that I wouldn't be coming back. He nor anyone else told that to me. I told my HR person and he seemed a bit displeased with him telling that. Now I am out of work and applied for unemployment, which I am not sure if I will be eligible for. I am wondering if what "Tom" did was illegal or just inconsiderate.
0 answers | asked Aug 3, 2020 5:45 PM [EST] | applies to Wisconsin
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