Wrongful termination & severance accepted under duress
My husband was fired after 5 years in the company for "vague" reasons. He was the Executive VP and CFO for the company. He has been given several promotions recently and a pay raise 3 weeks ago. His boss fired him saying he did not have faith in the direction he was taking the company and he was unhappy with his performance. Yet he just gave him that raise equating to an "excellent performance" rating three weeks prior. No evaluations have ever been negative and not one word was ever said that his boss was not happy with is performance. He was given a severance package and told he either signed it that day, right then and there or he would receive no money, only that days pay. Duress? Wrongful termination? We believe the termination is due to an accidental discovery of an affair his boss is having. My husband stumbled on it 4 days prior to his firing.
2 answers | asked Feb 27, 2007 7:07 PM [EST] | applies to Illinois
Answers (2)

The facts in your question indicate that something seems amiss here. Also, depending on your husband's age and the number of employees in the company, giving your husband less than one day to consider the severance offer may well have been unlawful which could render the relase of claims he signed void. Feel free to contact me if you'd like to discuss further. --Mike Merrick www.merricklawfirm.com
posted by Michael J. Merrick | Mar 3, 2007 2:18 PM [EST]

It is very possible that your husband may have a cause of action for wrongful termination/discrimination based upon sexual harassment, or retaliation. PLease give me a call to discuss further. YOu should also see our website: www.bellas-wachowski.com for informatin about our firm.
Thank you,
Bill Boznos
posted by Bill Boznos | Feb 28, 2007 07:57 AM [EST]
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