Wrongful termination/slander

Hi MEL....

This is an awesome website. My question is for a serverance pay agreeemnt can I change some of the language in the agreement for example. The agreement is standard and does not include the reason for termination. It says "Employee is being terminated" however at the termination meeting I was given the reason "due to cut backs and re-organization" can I insert this language in the agreement? Non the less I notice you are not in California, are you able to consult to me even though this is a case in CA? Also, I am currently sueing my previous employer and are you able to consult on that case also. Would love to hear from you.

Cindy Chavez

1 answer  |  asked Mar 6, 2007 11:41 AM [EST]  |  applies to California

Answers (1)

Mika Hilaire
Severance Agreement

When you ask "can you change the language" of a severance agreement the answer is it depends. You can negotiate to make a modification of the agreement to reflect the true reason for your termination. Your employer, however, may refuse to make the change and then you must decide how important that language is to you. Please feel free to contact me to discuss further and to discuss your other situation. I can be reached at (818) 788-2300 and my name is Mika Hilaire. My lawfirm is located in Sherman Oaks, CA.

posted by Mika Hilaire  |  Mar 6, 2007 12:19 PM [EST]

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