appearance discimination
Is appearance discrimination illeagl. I workk for a company I can prove fired 1 person for being physically unattractive. And now have reason to believe it played into my demotion. They should have just reprimanded me and given a suspension but I got demoted a 20% paycut and told they did not want me in front of the customers.
This does not sound like it could be legal. I know TN has an employment at will law and all they have to do is make up a legal reason but there has to be something that can be done to a company that bases their opinion of your job ability on if you are "ugly"
Answers (1)

What is the physical characteristic you feel they are using to discriminate against you? It could be actionable if it is related to a sterotype of illegal discrimination, such as race, national origin, disability etc...
posted by Alan Crone | Feb 10, 2003 09:45 AM [EST]
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