is small claims a way to collect wages ?
I am a over the raod truck driver. I had worked for a small company this year located in illinois. In march last year I went without getting paid a full month,This employer was contracting through a brokerage company., and was telling me that he wasn't geting paid from them.I had to quit working for him because after a month of no pay I wasn't able tocontinue and didnt want him to become more indebted to me . I however got a job offer frm the same brokerage that he was using as they called me knowing what was happening and asked me if I wanted to work for them , because of the work Id done for him through them. They supppiled me with his agreeance wage sheets that show he was paid. I filed a claim with the il department of labor and they turned down my claim because the work was down not soley in illinois ..although his company is in illinois. I've since filed a small claim suiton him and would like to knwo if there is any case law that I could get printed in such a matter to use in my defense.
1 answer | asked Jul 13, 2011 8:10 PM [EST] | applies to Illinois
Answers (1)

I cannot follow the story with regard to the signing of the sheet showing that "he was paid" well enough to know if your case has merit, but you may want to look into hiring a attorney that might be willing to take on your case on contingency basis, as your employer will be liable for all attorney's fees if your case is proven pursuant to the Illinois Wage Payment and Collection Act if this took place after January, or the Attorney's Fees in Wage Actions Act if not.
posted by Ryan Nalley | Jul 13, 2011 8:24 PM [EST]
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