Is my supervisor wrong?

I am a school bus attendant and my driver was having in appropriate conversations with me on the bus while children were on the bus about religion and abortions and that at one point when he first got baptized he felt that all people that weren't Christian needed to die. There where so many things that he said on that bus that made me feel uncomfortable and that might cause me my job. I did tell him on 2 occasions not to have conversation with me while children are on the bus. I went to my safety supervisor and told her. I also told her that I was uncomfortable table working with him on the bus and request to be removed from the route, she told me that it I am refusing to work. I was refusing I just wanted to be remove from that particular route. She watch the tape on the bus and told him that I was uncomfortable with him talking about God with and he then confront me and then I still have to get on the bus with him. He then started to write a note to me saying that he is not mad at me he just wanted to know what I told them I was so uncomfortable I dont want to go back to work. He also said he wanted he wanted to have a private conversation with me. What should I do and is the supervisor wrong for letting him know it was me. And is she wrong for putting me back on that route with him

1 answer  |  asked Nov 11, 2018 09:22 AM [EST]  |  applies to New York

Answers (1)

Jonas Urba
Wow. You definitely need to call an employment lawyer. We serve the entire state.

For one, a human resources complaint should be filed by you in writing. Keep a copy and the name of the person you handed it to.

Second, human resources needs to investigate this. You nor anyone else should discuss this while human resources does it's investigation. Disclosing investigatory information can be insubordination. And that often gets people fired.

Third, you should do your job without discussing any of this with the driver. Tell them you are there to do your job. Religion and politics are not appropriate discussions at work. Period!

Fourth, if the hostilities do not stop then report to human resources again and if they continue and you feel threatened go to the police. Orders of protection are not just for domestic violence any more. People get fired for threatening co-workers.

Good luck. Constructive discharge meaning you had no choice but quitting "might" qualify you for unemployment but don't count on it for anything more. That will probably need more but do discuss with employment lawyers.

Interesting question. Thanks for asking and good luck!!! Totally inappropriate discussions for work.

posted by Jonas Urba  |  Nov 11, 2018 09:39 AM [EST]

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