Wrongful termination? Slander? Based on rumors...
I work in a restaurant and was recently suspended. Evidently the rumor mill in town is saying I was involved in an assault on another female at a local bar one night. Because some how my name was brought up as being involved, the restaurant said they had to suspend me until I am proven innocent because it makes them look bad and they could lose business. They have suspended me for something I had nothing to do with all based on rumors! I now have no income and don't know what to do. I was not involved in ANY assault and cannot understand how they can do this to me. I've never been questioned by local law enforcement regarding this assault. And I have a clean record. Never been arrested. The management is making it even worse by telling everyone I was involved in the assault! Is there anything that can be done?
0 answers | asked Nov 9, 2020 12:34 PM [EST] | applies to Iowa
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