Leaves of Absence%253AFMLA

Questions and Answers (322)

I need help with being terminated while on workman's comp
My job emailed me stating they received my request to extend my leave of absence. I'm on workman's comp/disability. It was stated that employees are not permitted to extend leaves of absence without s... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Paid time off AND an absence?!
I understand that employers are authorized to force employees to use paid time off to cover unscheduled absences. Something else my employer does though is still count this absence against our absence... applies to Tennessee  ·  0 answers

why is there miscellaneous deductions on my last paycheck? I was terminated due to absence within the first 90 days which you are required to not receive any absence or you will be terminated. but could the termination cause my deductions?
I explained everthing in my question I was sick on these absence and had doctors excuses applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

I live in WI. Does my employer have to pay earned vacation when someone leaves?
I work in WI, my employer offers vacation to full time employees. There are no written policies. Someone recently left the company and that was when I found out that my employer does not intend to pay... applies to Wisconsin  ·  0 answers

I'm the LOA focal/disability manager at Boeing Satellite Systems.
We at Boeing Satellite Systems (BSS) are asking for opinions/solutions to a dilemma that has arisen. The issue: Boeing's Corporate physician is hesitant to allow BSS in El Segundo, CA, to continue mai... applies to California  ·  1 answer

What documentation, if any, is HR required to share with supervisors about employee's on LOA?
I am the Payroll Supervisor/Human Resource individual for two convalescent hospitals in California and my Supervisor, the Administrator of the corporate office facility, would like me to cc supervisor... applies to California  ·  2 answers

Can my employer deduct from my KINCARE and FMLA annual allotment for the SAME absence?
I requested to use FMLA for my absence and FMLA protection was approved. Yet my employer is deducting from my KINCARE "and" FMLA annual allotment for the same absence, telling me KINCARE and FMLA run ... applies to California  ·  0 answers

I was recently let got from a company do I need to repay my sign on bonus?
Exact wording of contract "Jason, as discussed, you are eligible for a $4,000 sign on bonus. The bonus shall be be payable at $1,000 per week, starting with the first full pay week. If you (the employ... applies to New Hampshire  ·  0 answers

On FMLA but employer suddenly wants a dr. note with every absence
I have been approved for FMLA intermittent use for a year. I used to self-report my absences but now my employer wants a dr. note with every absence. Is this an tactic to get me to leave? I can't affo... applies to Michigan  ·  1 answer

I have a 6 month fmla intermittent use my employer is telling me I have to provide a Dr note for every absence I'm scared of him he's intimidating I don't know what to do Bettina in wi
Can my employer request a Dr note for every absence if I'm approved for fmla 3-4 x a month 3-4 days at a time applies to Wisconsin  ·  0 answers

If I don't turn in paper work for a personal leave of absence while I am out on workers comp can I be fired. Indiana
I was injured at work and the workers comp insurance company seems to be paying everyone but me and now my boss wants me to take a personal leave of absence. applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

If I don't turn in paper work for a personal leave of absence while I am out on workers comp can I be fired. Indiana
I was injured at work and the workers comp insurance company seems to be paying everyone but me and now my boss wants me to take a personal leave of absence. applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

If I don't turn in paper work for a personal leave of absence while I am out on workers comp can I be fired. Indiana
I was injured at work and the workers comp insurance company seems to be paying everyone but me and now my boss wants me to take a personal leave of absence. applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

My employer has less than 50 employees what are my options as far as a Leave of Absence goes?
My employer has 5 employees, I work 30 hours a week with no benefits. I am stressed to the point I can't perform my job properly. I don't want to get fired for poor performance so I was thinking about... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Was expecting to be paid management bonus for full and successful 2015. Payout of this would be april 11th. Bonus policy (which states is at ful discretion of CEO) says that if employee leaves before payout date that not bonus will be paid. I left for ano
Was expecting to be paid management bonus for full and successful 2015. Payout of this would be april 11th. Bonus policy (which states is at ful discretion of CEO) says that if employee leaves before ... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Can I negotiate a severance package if I am being forced to report to a manager who made slanderous statements about me during my leave of absence?
While I was on my leave of absence for a medical disability, my manager told my colleagues she was "suspicious" of my leave of absence since I seemed fine to her and that she felt it was due to stress... applies to California  ·  3 answers

On Intermittent FMLA leave and written up for an absence.
My husband is on an intermittent FMLA leave to care for his terminally ill father. He has had the FMLA approved for a month, and used his first day on monday. His boss told him he needs to provide pro... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

Can an employer put an employee on leave of absence without there permission or asking for it.
Can an employer put an employee on leave of absence without there permission or asking for it. And force them to give them my medical information or record applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

Can an employer put an employee on leave of absence without there permission or asking for it.
Can an employer put an employee on leave of absence without there permission or asking for it. And force them to give them my medical information or record applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

Can my employee withhold a pay raise from me while giving other employees a raise becasue I am going on a non-medical leave of absence for 90 days?
I am going to take a leave of absence from my job in Texas with a thrift shop (non-profit) and go to to work for the IRS for 90 days. Can my employer withhold a raise I am promised (along with other e... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

I have been employed for over a year amd my employer belittles and picks at me in front of other staff members. He constantly berates me in staff meetings. He purposely leaves me out of important meetings and lies to other staff members as to why. I have
I have been employed over a year with this organization. The owner on any given day will harass certain employees, but has been fixated on me for months, making it difficult to do my job because I am ... applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

Off work due to a medical issue and employer has asked me to sign a 'change in relationship' form
My doctor signed me off work from 3/11-4/2 for carpal tunnel, pending surgery. My employer just sent me a 'change in relationship' form with that time frame noted as 'Leave of Absence'. Admittedly ign... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Retaliated and Harrassed for taking med leave of absence.
I was terminated from my employment (just recently) based upon false allegations submitted into HR by my supervisor. I rebutted to each of the false allegations. Somehow my rebuttal was omitted from m... applies to California  ·  1 answer

termination during maternity leave
I have been on maternity since Dec 2011. I recently applied for for an extended leave through my employer & was informed by the leave of absence department that I had been terminated (the term date wa... applies to California  ·  4 answers

I was approved for intermittent FMLA due to chronic health conditions. SEDGWICK is requiring proof of a particular day I used FMLA for a doctors appointment back in August 2019. This absence was approved. Now, A peer of mine trying to get me fired for per
I was approved for intermittent FMLA due to chronic health conditions. SEDGWICK is requiring proof of a particular day I used FMLA for a doctors appointment back in August 2019. This absence was appro... applies to Nebraska  ·  0 answers

Can my company deduct my medical leave of absence from my Time of service time?
I am an administrative assistant in California. I recently went out of work unexpectedly in November 2016 and on my return to work I was informed that my medical leave of absence was going to be deduc... applies to California  ·  0 answers

disciplined for not prearranging an absence (even death)
I earn Personal Time Off (PTO) for every 40 hours worked to use for vacation, sick, or personal time off. My company has just changed its PTO policy. If I call in sick or have a family emergency or ev... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Leave of Absense and Worker's Comp
My husband got injured at work. His assistant manager was there when it happened. The next day when the store manager came in they told him about it. He told my husband that he should not come in the ... applies to Wyoming  ·  0 answers

I was cashing out a customer and the customer was about to leave and turn around and said here this is for you. And handed me 4 dollars. after customer leaves manager tell me that's not yours that belongs to the server, don't do that. You did nothing for
I was cashing out a customer and the customer was about to leave and turn around and said here this is for you. And handed me 4 dollars. after customer leaves manager tell me that's not yours that bel... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Hi. I have been working for a candy company since Nov. 2003. In July this year I notified them I had to go into the hospital for an ascensing aorta aneurym,,requested a leave of absence.... They answe... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

Can my employer use a sick day as an unexcused absence if I have PTO to cover it?
A new policy at my workplace is as follows: If an employee calls out because they are sick, that call out is listed as an "Absence", even if the employee has time-off to draw from. After 6 "absences" ... applies to Massachusetts  ·  1 answer

Calling in sick, unexcused absence?
I called in sick an hour and a half in advance for work. I've been feeling sick from my allergies all day, with a terrible migraine, bad enough where I can barely get out of bed for the bathroom. My e... applies to Minnesota  ·  0 answers


Was covered on an intermittent leave of absence by sedgewick through walmart. Due to my illness, sei
Was covered on an intermittent leave of absence by sedgewick through walmart. Due to my illness, sei applies to Kansas  ·  0 answers

Hostile work environment when returning from a medical leave of absence
Approximately 3 months ago I went on a doctor & company approved medical leave of absence. Prior to leaving I was working anywhere from 60 to 90 hour work weeks. Not uncommon for our global company. I... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Non-compete in force, former employee uses information to better new employer.
Employee signa a non-compete, leaves the company and is hired by our competitor. What reasonable expectation can we have to restrict contact with customers, equipment and sales in the intermountain re... applies to Utah  ·  1 answer

2 yr employee never signed non-compete agrm't & co not pursued. Emp at risk if leaves/does same wk?
Employee exploring opportunities to start own bus or collaborate with others providing same type of services. Would not serve same clients as current employer but provide some similar services. applies to Tennessee  ·  0 answers

Boss has prostitute on payroll. How does that work? Or does it?
The owner of a business has a prostitute on the payroll. She shows up on paydays for a few days, then leaves. Isn't this misrepresentation of business expenses? applies to California  ·  1 answer

new York in on fmla for stress & anxiety with intermittent leaves where I have flare up, outburst, and erratic behavior. when I went to work as a Forman getting my work duties the previous supervisor stated that a co work on my shift was out yesterday and

Does an employee who is a veteran with PTSD have to take sick/leaves days to go to an appointment?
VA question, I'm a veteran trying not to loss my sick/leave days applies to Oregon  ·  0 answers

Can an employer require evening social events/12-hour days at risk of being fired?
I work remotely for an online school. The employer has decided on short notice that we will be required to travel for 4 days to the home office for a "conference." (Travel was not in the original term... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Can can a company force you to take FMLA if you have enough vacation time and PTO time to cover your absence and you don't want to take FMLA?
Can a company force you to take FMLA if you have enough vacation time and PTO time to cover your absence and you do not want to take the FMLA applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

Relocation expenses recovery after termination
My spouse just moved to Colorado for her job. Her employer offered $***** in relocation expenses. According to the contract if she leaves her position for any reason she's obligated to pay it back. No... applies to Colorado  ·  0 answers

Can a former employer sue me if a coworker leaves to a different competitor after I left?
My old employer has opened an investigation, and sent a letter to my new employer stating that I violated my restrictive covenants by soliciting another employee. There is a stipulation in the non com... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

I was approved for intermittent leave of absence but my son got worse I had to leave my job a ceasers entertainment in ac nj I'm I eligible for rehire
I was approved for intermittent leave of absence but my son got worse I had to leave my job a ceasers entertainment in ac nj I'm I eligible for rehire applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

Upon leaving employment, does employee have to re-sign the Non-Compete Agreement?
If an employee leaves the company, is the Non-Compete Agreement only legal if it is resigned on their last day of employment or is it valid with their signature dated when hired? Thanks, Christine Car... applies to Florida  ·  2 answers

I need to make an appointment with a doctor which will require me to take a sick day from work. My boss would not approve of this unless I found a co-worker who would cover for me in my absence. Is this legal?
I am a private person. applies to Kentucky  ·  0 answers

FMLA Issue regarding Attendence.
I requested Intermittent FMLA for a life long medical issue I have back in September, 6 2009. I found out just 3 days ago, July 22, 2010 that my original request for FMLA was denied. The reason giving... applies to Wisconsin  ·  0 answers

Can an employer call the police and parents on an employee for calling in sick for a 1 day absence?
If the police and family cannot be called, what is the statute of limitations in FL? applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

If an employer chooses to include PTO or Paid Time Off towards
New attendance policy is being rolled out and our PTO time has always been included in OT calculation. PTO is still being under the new policy will still be included in our overtime calculation EXCEPT... applies to Missouri  ·  0 answers

im confused my employer said I didn't qualify for FMLA I was $16 short what did give me a medical leave of absence which isn't that kind of the same thing I had to have knee surgery from an ACL and meniscus tear that I believe it hurt at work but did not
im confused my employer said I didn't qualify for FMLA I was $16 short what did give me a medical leave of absence which isn't that kind of the same thing I had to have knee surgery from an ACL and me... applies to Iowa  ·  0 answers

are chiropractors exempt from overtime, in Indiana?
I worked for a chiropractor for 2.5, he is bad at keeping his equipement in good working condition, and do to his lack of concern I could have broke a patients neck. I have told him on many occasions ... applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

when mandated by law
Is a leave of absence to be granted to an employee that is having a meltdown over job duties? There are no sick days or vacation days on this salaried position. It is for a non profit organization. applies to Missouri  ·  0 answers

I was in a car accident in October. My leave of absence was approved for six months. I believe I am on a non-fmla leave. My dr will release me with restrictions on march 31st. I am starting to believe my position was filled and they will offer me a differ
. applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

I was off on a year leave of absence and was awol separated from my job...the paperwork was already filled out just didn't have it in hand and couldn't pick it up due to covid... I been struggling every since... I believe I'm the only one in that departme
Is there anything I can do about this... I'm struggling with zero income applies to California  ·  1 answer

If my wife took a long pre-arranged leave of absence for our wedding and honeymoon, and then went back to work for a week and then they told her that she was unfit for her position and lacked leadership capabilities, are their legal options? Other employe
I think I put all that currently needs to be said in the question itself.. applies to Minnesota  ·  0 answers

Is it necessary for a clinic to provide patients with previous providers contact information?
If a provider leaves to start their own practice does their previous place of employment have to provide their new contact information to previous patients? applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

employee accuses manager of assault, manager is innocent but leaves company due to harassment, accuser wins lawsuit against company, might go after former manager, what can manager do?, and if innocent, can manager sue same company or employee for defamat
do I have a case applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Can I be demoted after a FMLA absence?
I have been on intermittent FMLA for 18 months due to chronic staph infections. I recently missed 1 hour of work due to issues with a staph infection. Within 30 minutes of my return to work I was demo... applies to Arkansas  ·  0 answers

I work at a big name pet store. I hurt my shoulder. The GM kept putting me on truck. I tried to take a month off PTO. New GM came and said no id have to take leave of absence. So i came in 2 days each week for 3 weeks. I also tlod her that animals were no
On work comp and feel im being retaliated against for one reason or another. applies to Oklahoma  ·  0 answers

What is interference while on continuous fmla , certification. My supervisor texted me 3 times to come meet at her office face to face on 3 dates, arrive at 830am. My supervisor texted and said Fmla has nothing to do with meeting her face to face, I'm not
I don't know why I'm needed face to face , I live 28?miles away. I'm on 2 Continuous leaves, my mom elder care and kid is sick in the hospital. applies to Oklahoma  ·  0 answers

Is a Mn employer (less than 50 emp) required to hold a job for an employee who left to have a baby?
We are a MN private family who employs PCAs (personal care attendants) to help care for our child with disabilities. We have less than 20 employees. One of our PCAs is pregnant. Are we required to pro... applies to Minnesota  ·  0 answers

Can I still take my vacation time after giving notification of resignation?
My employment contract says vacations will not be honored after employee leaves firm. I have to give 8 weeks notice and want to take my vacation at the end so I can leave 6 weeks after notification gi... applies to Colorado  ·  0 answers

I was on STD in Omaha, Nebraska and it turned into LTD where 15 days after surgery I was demoted. I had let LEAVES know that my STD was up 2 day after surgery Is this legal?
I was on STD and to have surgery two days before my STD would turn to LTD and 12 Days into LTD I was demoted. Should a reasonable accommodation have been made for the 12 days to heal from a meniscus t... applies to Nebraska  ·  1 answer

can company establish policy stating PTO time will not be paid out until after 1 year of service is met?
company has policy stating PTO will not be paid out if employee leaves within the first year. applies to Massachusetts  ·  0 answers

I RESIGNED after 15years with the same company while I was feeling anxiety, a a condition I was being treated for. Tried to resend my resignation the same day. And my union rep. instructed me to take a leave of absence which my doctor gave me dated the da
Denied my FMLA. Employer lied to the EEOC about why I resigned. applies to California  ·  0 answers

Job restructuring during maternity leave
I work as a supervisor. I will be taking maternity leave in May. Can the company restructure my dept. in my absence? So that upon my return I only have responsibility for half of the dept? applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Is it illegal for my employment to require me, a food server, to tip a busser even if I did not make a tip ? I'm in Nevada.
I am requires to tip a percentage of my total sales to the busser. It does not matter if I am tipped or not. For example, if a customer buys a t-shirt for 25 dollars, at the end of the day, I have to ... applies to Nevada  ·  0 answers

Can Intermittent leave be authorized for an individual who has to frequently leave work and pick his son up after being put out of extended care due to his son's outburst related to his autism?
An educational environment. A parent is often called to pick his son up from the school extended day program when the son becomes unruly. Parent attributes the behavior to his son's diagnosis of autis... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Defamation/slander by former employer
I recently quit my job at a spa (after being an exemplary employee of 12 years) because of my toxic boss/owner. I sent my resignation letter in stating that I didn't feel comfortable coming back becau... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Toxic members
First case: Few members in the institute I work for have been working hard to defame me and spread rumors about me amongst people of my community, those rumors are very toxic rumors & the reason is th... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Can my employer discuss my legal issues with other employees
I was arrested for outstanding warrants from 2015 My employer found out about my arrest and told me I had to take a 30 day leave of absence I was not employed by this employer when those warrants were... applies to South Carolina  ·  0 answers

Can an employer choose to pay a w2 employee via 1099 for work that has already been completed?
Can my employer choose to pay me via 1099 for work that had already been completed prior to leaving the company if I had been paid under w2 while still with the company? Also, what is the time frame f... applies to Colorado  ·  0 answers

Can I be forced to take a leave of abvsence?>
I was placed on unpaid leave due to, what I felt was an unsafe request from my employer, I was able to secure notices from a doctor saying this was unsafe, but my employer is pushing back, and asking ... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Non Compete after a company leaves a market
My employer has recently sent out a memo stating that they are no longer engaging in business in several markets that we were previously conducting business in. All of the employees have non-compete c... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Hi, im here in North Carolina. I am an Administrative Assistant and recently had to take an immediate medical leave of absence do to medical issues. I have not heard anything from my employer and they will not return or answer my phone calls. I never even
No communication from my employer while on medical leave after back surgery. applies to North Carolina  ·  0 answers

What are my options when my employer refuses to pay company expenses?
I have traveled to many trade shows putting all business expenses on a personal AMEX card. The company has gone through a reorganization. However, now that the reorg is complete, the company is rename... applies to Utah  ·  0 answers

Sick Days Not Excused With Dr's Note
I've received low performance scores due to sick days even when I offered to get a Dr's note. I was told that Dr's notes do not apply and the days are still treated as an absence and will count agains... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Can my job terminate me if doctor refuses to cover absences?
My wife is pregnant, and I missed some days from work, but called it in with FMLA, then her OBGYN wouldn’t approve time I missed for illness. They said they can only approve 3 hours per absence, for... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

can an employer require me to take sa fit for duty test but not require a coworker to take one for a simmular absence there is more to this Harrassment etc
treated differently than other employees like having to complete a fit for duty test while another employee doesnt have to take one applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

can my boss fire me for being sick
I am a single Mom and my boss fires any one who calls in sick even if you have to go to the hospital .I work as a caregiver alone 24 hr shifts I hae an abcessed tooth ans d swo;;en would not let e me ... applies to Oregon  ·  1 answer

my employer reduced my FT hours to 25 and mandates I use 5 hours vacation pay to make up difference for my benefits, is this legal in Ohio?
My employer today informed all employees that they are cutting back hours to 25, this leaves a difference of 5 hours now to qualify for benefits, they are mandating us to use 5 hours of vacation each ... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Am I mistreated because of discrimination?
I was diagnosed with advanced cancer after I joined the company for about 5 months. I had to take two 6-week leaves for very hard treatments. I told my manager in details regarding my illness and trea... applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

My Company is closing the school I am currently employed at. They have offered severance pay but in certain agreements....considering I do not take a Leave Of Absence until my Last Day set forth by the Company. I am 38 weeks pregnant (9 months) and have a
Being Denied FMLA in acceptance of Severance Pay. FMLA due to birth of my child. applies to Pennsylvania  ·  0 answers

My employer uses a point system of absent and late occurrences. We get 1 point for an absence and 1/2 a point for lateness. We get terminated after we accumulate 7 points in a 12 month period. Can my boss give me a point if I have a doctor's note for my a
I want to know if i can be disciplined for missing a day of work even if I have a doctor's note. Please and thank you. applies to Wisconsin  ·  0 answers

new York in on fmla for stress & anxiety with intermittent leaves where I have flare up, outburst, and erratic behavior. when I went to work as a Forman getting my work duties the previous supervisor stated that a co work on my shift was out yesterday and
new York in on fmla for stress & anxiety with intermittent leaves where I have flare up, outburst, and erratic behavior. when I went to work as a Forman getting my work duties the previous supervisor ... applies to New York  ·  0 answers

can a company force you to take FMLA if you have enough vacation time to cover your absence and do not want to be on FMLA
company is telling me that i have to use FMLA. I have plenty of paid time i can use and do not want to be on FMLA. can they do this? applies to Indiana  ·  1 answer

Severance pay for maternity leave
Is it legal for an employer to lay off pregnant employees before/during/after maternity leave without additional compensation for medical leave of absence benefits in their severance agreement even th... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Non-dsicretionary bonus for attrited employees
The company I work for has a non-discretionary bonus program for nonexempt staff - a performance based set of calculations to determine the bonus. The company is 6+ months behind in payments even thou... applies to Missouri  ·  0 answers

Do I have to offer an employee the same job and the same shift after a very long WC absence?
I have a FT employee that works a shift which has limited help during this shift. He has been out about 5months on a WC injury. I need to find out if I am legally bound to offer him his same position ... applies to Maryland  ·  0 answers

Can I ask my employer to give me a leave of absence or lay me off so I can get unemployment
I am in the wrong job. I've been to a psychiatrist who has prescribed anti depressants but he still thinks I should leave. I have no complaints about the company (they did exagerate how good the job w... applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

employer contacting employee's doctor
after submitting FMLA paperwork my doctor was contacted by a doctor for clarification, this doctor asked for stipulations that my doctor see me with each fmla absence misleading him to think it was ne... applies to Kansas  ·  1 answer

My rights to reinstatement after leave of absence
I was off work for six months recovering from having cancer and some surrounding muscle removed from my leg I was released by my Doctor to return to work but was told they didnt have anything for me a... applies to Ohio  ·  3 answers

specified or implied non-compete for mobilized reservists?
Background: Several years ago I worked at a consulting firm. At that time, the company did not have a non-compete policy, nor did I have an non compete agreement with them. I was involuntarily mobiliz... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Can a government employer insist that i sign a medical leave document and apply for SDI after missing 7 days of work when i have enough sick time to cover the absence
18 years with company, I have plenty of sick time available, HR is insisting that I sign documents to indicate that i want SDI. Why can't i use my sick time? It seems as if I'm being coerced into doin... applies to California  ·  0 answers

I had an approved 2-month medical leave of absence (after a fall and resulting subarachnoid hemorrhage) this year. I recently asked for a 2-day PTO leave in October -- this request was denied because of this year's medical leave. Is this legal in Pennsylv
I am a "weekend" employee, normally allowed for PTO weekends off a year applies to Pennsylvania  ·  0 answers

Can an employer force employee to take leave of abscene without pay?
Can an employer force an employee to take unpaid leave of absence by force without any reason of mistakes ? applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Can an employer force employee to take leave of abscene without pay?
Can an employer force an employee to take unpaid leave of absence by force without any reason of mistakes ? applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Is this legal termination?
Requested 2 week leave of absence, possibly becoming medical for panic attacks and stress. Was granted leave by manager. 7 days later received personal belongings from work UPS. Received a text messag... applies to California  ·  3 answers

Tuition Reimbursement
Hello My company has a tuition reimbursement policy that states that if an employee leaves the company within 12 months of any tuition reimbursement, the employee must pay the company back in full. Ho... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Loss of benefits
I was in a car accident and as a result took an extended medical leave of absence from work. I was just told after being back in my old position for 3 weeks that the day I came back to work was my fir... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

If I have an FMLA restriction to work no more than 8 hours per day and no more than 40 hours per week, can my employer change my normal work scheduled from M-F to T-S. Saturdays are not guaranteed hours as they cancel them often. Therefore, this leaves me
My new FMLA paperwork was received. My restrictions are no more than 8 hours a day and no more than 40 hours per week. Also two consecutive days off. My normal work schedule is Monday - Friday. My emp... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Wrongful termination and withholding documentation
My wife was recently let go after a leave of absence for her pregnancy. They stated it was because of performance issues yet she was never counseled or written up for these so called issues. She actua... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

breach of employment agreement - unpaid wages
My wife left her previous employer and was not paid wages she was owned on commission. We are contending she was terminated because items specified in her employment agreement where taken away prior t... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

My husband just strated a new job, and was given a packet of papers to fill out. In this packet was a contract giving his employer the ability to charge him 25 dollars for up to one hour late or early and 75 dollars for a missed day, is this even legal???
In the packet he was given, there is a contract requiring him to pay 25 dollars each time he is up to one hour late, or leaves early- both of which his employer ENCOURAGES to happen, and 75 dollars if... applies to Maryland  ·  0 answers

I have been approved for an FMLA leave of absence and requested to use accrued vacation time so I could still be paid while taking my leave. Can my employer keep me from using my vacation time during an FMLA leave? HR is telling me to apply for short-term
HR is also telling me that my manager would have to approve the use of this vacation time? How is it his decision? applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

If I am receiving SDI in CA and elect to voluntarily resign, will I continue to receive SDI pay through the 52 weeks if approved by my doctor?
My SDI claim begins 11/7/2016 - I am a teacher in prison, and I didn't have enough hours to qualify for FMLA. I requested a medical leave of absence, which is at the discretion of the Warden. I don't ... applies to California  ·  0 answers

I have worked for my company as a temp for 4 months then went full time, I have worked full time for 5, I have worked 1300 hours under full time, my husband is in ccu with congestive heart failure and pneumonia can i take a leave of absence
Husband in ccu applies to Tennessee  ·  0 answers

My job flat out lied to me. Can I sue them
I needed to take a leave of absence because I had to have two major surgeries. I hadnt been with the company long enough to have FMLA so the HR had told me if I quit that I will be able to return with... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Disability and retaliation
I work in a specialty level sales job for a large company. In May of 2009 I took the first of a series of FMLA and company approved short term medical leaves for a chronic disease and resulting disabi... applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

I quit my job during a new pay period it states in the handbook if you quit without a 2 weeks notice anytime worked will be dropped to min. wage is this legal to do if so wouldn't apply to the pay period you quit in not the one that was already worked and
I only worked a job for 2weeks because I didn't like the profanity that was used in that environment. The pay period had ended and a new one had started. In their hand book it states a 2week notice is... applies to Florida  ·  2 answers

Questions about pregnancy disability leave
The hospital that I work for only allows for 4 months of pregnancy disability leave and I started bleeding when I was 13 weeks pregnant. I am now 26 weeks and my doctor still does not want me to go ba... applies to California  ·  1 answer

I have a question .. 1 st missed day of work was Sept 8 th 2014 I used Eib time n then went on a Fmla my surgery for me was female stuff .. Dr didn't have an opening Untill Dec 8 th but had a cancel and got me in on Oct 20 th 2014 put me off work for 8 fu
I have a question .. 1 st missed day of work was Sept 8 th 2014 I used Eib time n then went on a Fmla my surgery for me was female stuff .. Dr didn't have an opening Untill Dec 8 th but had a cancel a... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Fmla leave of absence
I had requested time off and under fmla leave for surgery . I gave notice to HR representative and then I was brought into manager office and was told I couldn’t take the time off then and had to re... applies to Connecticut  ·  0 answers

Boss refuses to take absences into account when determining productivity.
I have a new supervisor who seems to have it out for me. She just noted in my performance evaluation that I am not meeting my quota. However, she refuses to take any absences into account. She's also ... applies to Tennessee  ·  0 answers

My boss is harassing me and demoted me for using my intermitten FMLA
I have been an office day nurse in a facility for 4.5 years and I have chronic migraines and fibromyalgia so I have FMLA in place for my absence's however my boss has tried to fire me for missing work... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Can an employer only pay me 50.8 weeks, put 5 days in arrears as a salaried employee?
So I have a question about exempt salaried employees. My employer is changing payroll from a bi monthly payroll to a biweekly payroll. They plan to implement this on Jan1. In 2019, they are going to p... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

Recently fired for being absent while my son with special needs was hospitalized!
I was recently fired for “excessive absences”? (My 7 year old special needs child was hospitalized for a chronic illness) Eligible for unemployment benefits? Discrimination case? I happened to be ... applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

Unreasonable Non-Compete
I have a young friend who works for a Payday Loan company. She told me her location was robbed a gunpoint last week and that she is very fearful of working there now. She said since the company discon... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

need time off for religion and only 1 week, summer
i need 2 weeks total to go to a special once a year schoooling for my religion, i am a part time employee for a hospital. i am also a part time preacher. i nned a week that another employee has. my da... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Do to all the privacy laws I am wondering if a school support staff contract can be public knowledge
I served as the Elementary Secretary for approximately 9 years. During this time I was diagnosed with breast cancer and took a leave of absence. I had no problem after my treatments and was able to re... applies to Oklahoma  ·  0 answers

The Company cheated me when paid me the severance
Im in Hong Kong. I worked for a public listed Company in Chestnut Ridge, New York. I was released last month because the re-organization. The Company agreed to pay me the severance. On the last day, ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Is this be Family leave retaliation?
I work in the state of California. I recently took three weeks off to care for my wife as she is having a very troublesome pregnancy. Her doctor completed the standard fmla certification form that I w... applies to California  ·  1 answer

hello my husband after 13 yrs at his job as a supervisor was wrongfully terminated . the company has not given him a evaluation in two yrs and he has always been told how well hes was doing . this com... applies to Maryland  ·  0 answers

FMLA question - reinstatement to an equivalent position
I am currently on family leave after the birth of my baby. I was told that: 1) The part-time position I held since April 2000 will be eliminated at the end of my family leave, and 2) I must work full-... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Can my employer move me to another position if i am on intermittend leave?
I have fmla intermittend leave and every time i take a day off i provide a doctors note to my supervisor. My leaves caused for my supervisor and HR to move me from position because they said that i wa... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Can my employer move me to another position if i am on intermittend leave?
I have fmla intermittend leave and every time i take a day off i provide a doctors note to my supervisor. My leaves caused for my supervisor and HR to move me from position because they said that i wa... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Can my employer move me to another position if i am on intermittend leave?
I have fmla intermittend leave and every time i take a day off i provide a doctors note to my supervisor. My leaves caused for my supervisor and HR to move me from position because they said that i wa... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

I previously started with an employer in August. Applied for LOA which was approved 09/11-12-18/17. I’ve since had several days out for my procedures and follow up visits. I haven’t been with the company over a year so when I applied for leave in Sept
Previously 9/2017-12/2017 approved LOA but FMLA denied New to Company started in August 2017. Is it a difference in FMLA leaves I was denied within a couple of days. I resubmitted per employers reques... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

FMLA Medical Information Release?
My spouse is the superintendent of a very small school district in Minnesota. He has approved intermittent FMLA leave for his own serious health condition, as well he has approved FMLA for my own seri... applies to Minnesota  ·  0 answers

how to break non compete, that is very restricting
i signed a non compete contract when i was hired by as a hyperbaric technician for a company based out of new york. i work in pennsylvania. the location i currently work at is closing and we are reloc... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

Is it legal for your employer to mark you down absent if you showed up o work an hour and 40mins late but still worked the rest of your shift?
My schedule was changed twice and I was unaware because it's never happened before and as soon as the schedule is posted I mark down my days off on my time sheet. I thought I was off because that's wh... applies to Hawaii  ·  0 answers

I am an employee of a 2 employee business I took a leave for the and my boss told me she doesn't need me back at work because I did my follow rules and regulations and that I was to be back to work in 5 weeks eve though doc hadn't released me I've been em
I was verbally granted a leave of absence to have tkr that took place Sept. 8 2015. My boss informed me that she no longer needs me because there isn't enough work now and that I hadn't followed proce... applies to Tennessee  ·  0 answers

I left my company (on good terms with notice) in December where I was a full time hourly employee. I could not transfer my position as there was not one available at the time. Now 5 months later I have accepted a part time position with them in hopes that
I left my company (on good terms with notice) in December where I was a full time hourly employee. I could not transfer my position as there was not one available at the time. Now 5 months later I hav... applies to North Carolina  ·  0 answers

Can I fire en employee who is pregnant, close to her pregnancy for absence
I have an employee who is now 7 months pregnant and advisedd me that she would be taking disability at the end of the month which has now changed to the end of next month. Over the past year, she has ... applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

Can an employer terminate employment without providing proof of why you're being discharged?
My employer terminated me today, she stated that she was told by the old D.O.N (who is no longer employed at our facility) that I was verbally told that 2 absences in my 90 probationary period was an ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Discipline for FMLA related absences (later certified)
I work for the Postal Service. I've received my certifications for FMLA issues, (4 in all), only AFTER receiving discipline for unscheduled absences. (Postmaster never informed me of need to use FMLA ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Can I be fired while on Long Term Disability
I was a Manger of Audit for a fortune 34 publicly traded company here in Atlanta Georgia. I was fired after a year of being on Long Term Disability after being completely disabled and incapacitated (D... applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

Can I be fired while on Long Term Disability
I was a Manger of Audit for a fortune 34 publicly traded company here in Atlanta Georgia. I was fired after a year of being on Long Term Disability after being completely disabled and incapacitated (D... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Is it possible for a resident in a university to give consent to sexual activity with an RA
I am a residential assistant and was accused of engaging in sexual activity with a resident. She claims that I never asked for consent, however I did continuously throughout the night of our encounter... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Am I being retaliated for filing for FMLA?
I recently filed for intermittent FMLA due to missing work because of severe migraines. I missed work this passed Wednesday due to this. My FMLA paperwork has not been approved yet as I have not recei... applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

Is an employer forced unpaid leave of absence Legal
Worked for an employer, based out of San Diego, CA since 08/19, as a full time employee, providing Quality assurance duties assisting a Federal government team, managing a contract at Wake Island, Pac... applies to North Carolina  ·  0 answers

FMLA return
I have been employeed with my company for 8 years now. I took a leave of absence 12/09 . My return to work date was 030110. When I return I was informed that the attendance policy had change 0101109. ... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Am I entitled to back pay in a salaried position?
Here is the scenario, I would like to know what my options are. Team of 3, 1 boss, 2 equal co-workers reporting to him working on a large scale software implementation. Dec' 2007 My boss leaves the co... applies to Illinois  ·  2 answers

Rounding hours
My company recently switched to a new clocking program, during a transition phase where we have been using both the new and old we noticed some differences, the biggest being the rounding. My employer... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  0 answers

Hello My FMLA for family member's serious health condition ends and my employer has scheduled a meeting for a layoff what should I do before attending the meeting
First, I had an FMLA for continuous leave approved and the second FMLA was approved for a reduced scheduled leave by the insurance company. However, my employer refused reinstatement for reduced sched... applies to Massachusetts  ·  0 answers

CALIFORNIA NDA / NON DISCLOSURE agreement signed under duress in 2015.. Legal? Enforceable?
Mel, I signed an NDA/ non competition clause under duress last year in Aug 2015. The company i accepted an offer letter for the job w/o any mention of said NDA and then they sprung it on me the first ... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Can I sue previous employment for wrongful termination; reinstated; denied med loa ext.&unemploymen
I am seriously considering suiting my former employer for wrongful termination they claim to be accidental months later; reinstated me then screwed with me ever since I got sick and went on medical le... applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

Does a separate medical condition for the same qualifying person effect the type of FLMA used?
My spouse was diagnosed with LGMD. After providing my employer with the Certification of Serious Health Condition that was requested,I was approved for December 2017 - December 2018 for FLMA(Intermitt... applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

I turned in a memo on a supervisor for threats and harrasment.. but it was lost. what do I do
I turned in a memo to my head supervisor (I am a federal employee)about basically taking the last straw. On many occassions the supervisor belittled me. Then on one occasion over the radio for all sta... applies to West Virginia  ·  0 answers

Do I have a case?
I was recently demoted from shop lead to a standard worker without any explanation in front of two of my workers that I had been the lead for. The Manager called all three of us into his office and to... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Wrongfull Termination
I have been working for this employer for the better part of two and a half years. Having no sick days available points were collected as a consequence of calling off or coming late. This was a new po... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

Do I have a case for wrongful termination?
I had been friends with a fellow manager during the duration of my employment. Recently, my husband and I split up. When this friend found out, he started to make advances both at work and off work. H... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

I have a question about my vacation time, sick days, personal days while approved for FMLA
I was approved for FMLA due to a knee issue which resulted in surgery. My employer made me take all of my vacation time, my personal days and my sick days before I was allowed to use the FMLA time. No... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

What if your medical condition requires a longer absence than the 12 week FMLA allows?
My husband was hospitalized with a heart attack and after doing a heart cath, found that he would require open heart surgery. Because they gave him a blood thinner upon arriving at the hopital, they h... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

I'm a former usps automation clerk ; had an arbitration hearing. I just learned that my supervisor withheld paperwork from that hearing that would have shown I should never have been fired from my job. Is this a due process rights violation?
I feel I was retaliated against for reporting an n my job and then filing an OWCP claim. For 11 months my supervisor refused to sign my 3971 forms for my absence for dr. appts. for my injury. I was ac... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

I'm a former usps automation clerk ; had an arbitration hearing. I just learned that my supervisor withheld paperwork from that hearing that would have shown I should never have been fired from my job. Is this a due process rights violation?
I feel I was retaliated against for reporting an n my job and then filing an OWCP claim. For 11 months my supervisor refused to sign my 3971 forms for my absence for dr. appts. for my injury. I was ac... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Can i be fired for my doctor putting me on a 2 and a half week leave of absense?
My doctor put me on a leave of absence at work for head trauma. He said i could go back to work in a week or 5 business days. After the week was up I went back to work and was overwhelmed by how much ... applies to California  ·  0 answers

My daughter filed a sexual harassment complaint to her GM and HR. Of course the harasser (a Supervisor) denied his inappropriate behavior and the company is telling my daughter she will HAVE to work with him even though she has told them it would be uncom
My daughter filed a sexual harassment complaint to her GM and HR after a Supervisor tried to kiss her and picked her up still trying to kiss her and telling her not to tell anyone and that it would be... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

My employer is denying me FMLA for my baby
I took FMLA for the birth of my son. In May 2007 (5 months pregnant) I was put on bedrest due to having preterm labor. I was off on FMLA from May 14 until October 8th 2007. Around August 1st I recieve... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

12 week leave of absence covered by FMLA verses Doctors orders to be off work for 19 weeks.
I had a health issue that my Doctor had me off work for, for aprox 19 weeks. I gave my employer the letter from the Doctor explaining the reason. My employer told me I HAD to fill out FMLA forms to co... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Discrimination, retaliation for FMLA or harrassment?
Is this discrimination,retaliation for using FMLA or harrassment? I have several medical conditions that cause me to miss work on an intermittant basis. I have been employed with a local government ag... applies to Nebraska  ·  1 answer

Retaliation claim
I was diagnosed with cancer and went out on medical leave in January, 2007 I worked from home on occasion as I felt better. I returned to work full timeon May 1, 2007. My job responsibilites were sign... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

Peers review your FMLA certification. absent four days.
I have worked with the employer for 3 1/2 years without attendance or performance issues. I had some personal problems and was overwhelmed and stressed. I called in to my manager, who is also the bene... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Can one go on a vacation while on FMLA and unable to work?
My mother put in for vacation time to go out of the country for 3 weeks several months prior to needing a leave of absence. In an unanticipated circumstance, she went to the doctor where they found lu... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Hello, I have intermittent FMLA for asthma. This has been approved since October 2017, with a recertification accepted in April. My Captain is demanding a Dr note for anyone who calls in during this holiday week. Do I need the Dr note? Or is my FMLA certi
Hello, I have intermittent FMLA for asthma. This has been approved since October 2017, with a recertification accepted in April. My Captain is demanding a Dr note for anyone who calls in during this h... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Is it libel?
I texted my boss I was sick due to lack of sleep on Monday morning. This has happened before, txt permitted instead of phone call. My boss txted back and was upset "On clean up day!!!" I LOL'd and sai... applies to Virginia  ·  0 answers

Can absences be counted against me for taking my wife to the doctor under FMLA intermittent leave?
I have applied and been approved for intermittent leaves for taking my wife to her regular Psychiatrist & Psychologist and to the OB-GYN. My Human Resource Manager recently gave me a warning due to fo... applies to Alabama  ·  0 answers

I do not wish to use my FMLA time but my employer is forcing me to
I work for Albetsons Inc. I am on disability for stress unrelated to work. I turned in a doctors note to notify my company as such. I am collecting State disability. My employer had me fill out a form... applies to California  ·  1 answer

laid-off and then fired
I volunteered for a permanent layoff around August 16,2002. My job was to pay me 26 weeks of sub-pay and I also would receive unemployment pay. My last day of work was to be Sept. 13. I called into wo... applies to Indiana  ·  1 answer

Diagnos. with cancer worked thru chemo took a 2mo. disability w/radtion hours & benefits cut
Would it be considered medical discrimination if: My daughter returned to work after a 2 month disability absence only to find that the office had cut her hours from a full 8 hr. day 5 days a week to ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Valid claim?
To shorten a very long story, I had filed FMLA paperwork with my employer. The condition I have sometimes makes it not possible for me to call in by a certain time EVERY day to report my absence for t... applies to Indiana  ·  1 answer

Can I sue righttime care or the doctor who refused to fill out my paperwork for leave?
I was diagnosed with bells palsy by the doctor i had scheduled an appointment with at righttime(knowing that they dont schedule appointments for urgent care i schedule an appointment so that it wasnt)... applies to Maryland  ·  0 answers

Can my employer require a physician's statement stating the reason for absence?
I have had to use more sick leave more than usual since August 2011 (14 sick days, 9 vacation days). Family issues with a family member's drug use, my daughter's separation from her husband in which s... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

medical leave of absence (financial ressource while on med. leave)
I am a table game dealer around xmas time they open a new pit with new tables (table layout placed further away then normal( been dealing over 20 yrs with no medical issues ever happen) i was to deal ... applies to Nevada  ·  0 answers

Got terminated even tho I was promised a Skelly Hearing. Can I get a lawyer to sue?
I recieved a proposed action against me in a form on termination. The personnel informed me that I can get a skelly hearing or forfeit it and go straight to termination. She highly recommended me goin... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Can my employer deny my employer deny vacation time because they had to approve FMLA first?
I requested a two week vacation for August several months ago. About 3 - 4 weeks ago my supervisor told me she did not see a problem approving it she just wasn't allowed to approve it too far in advan... applies to Florida  ·  2 answers

When I was fired my boss told me they were going in another direction and
I have never been written up and my termination came as a complete surprise. My employer told unemployment a different reason than they told me for the termination. Less than 30 days prior I reported ... applies to California  ·  2 answers

What can I do if the whole office is harassing me, retailiating against me, & defamation of me?
I have Bipolar Disorder and ADHD. I am on Meds and see a Doctor. Two years ago, I became Manic. There was a lot of stressful things in my life. Even though I have a Domestic Partner, I felt alone at t... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Accused of smelling like alcohol - never give test as stated in handbook - from prior evening
Over this past holiday I was celebrating with my family and having cocktails. I had to work at 7:00am the next day and went to bed around 11:30pm. I had several drinks with my family and apparently ha... applies to South Carolina  ·  0 answers

what are the rules regarding death of 2 family members 9 days apart
back in aug of 2010 my older brother (by older brother i mean he has lived with us my whole life but he's not related by blood)vehicle was hit by a train and he died a few hrs later from his injuries.... applies to Idaho  ·  0 answers

cancer screening
I recently requested FMLA (at my HR reps recommendation specifically)to get my 6 month cancer screening which was at that point 2 months overdo because of a mandated overtime program we have at work w... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Fmla also Ada
Im a CNA and im confused my employer said I didn't qualify for FMLA I was 16 hours. But did give me a medical leave of absence which isn't that kind of the same thing I had to have knee surgery from a... applies to Iowa  ·  0 answers

My HR Office at my place of employment did not tell me that I would be charged 7 days of personal time prior to my FMLA starting back in January 2017 and no documents that I signed stated I would be charged these days either. Can my HR office legally char
On the 19th of Jan 2017 I went out on FMLA for 12 weeks because I had ACL Reconstruction surgery in my left knee. I am a salaried worker so my 12 weeks off was paid for by my company. I returned to wo... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Can an employer add new documents of misconduct to an appeal after a determination?
I was admitted to the hospital in the evening. I had a friend call my employment and notify them of my absence and my intent to return to work. Over the weekend I was transferred to a psychiatric faci... applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

Can my employer require a doctors slip for every FMLA absence?
I have an approved FMLA claim for a lifelong illness covering myself and a seperate one covering my spouse. In both cases, I was approved for one day of FMLA leave per week (totaling 2 days a week). N... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

Do i have recourse?
I didn't know which category to put this in - I'm not sure I have anything that qualifies for anything since its basically just bullying. I've been working for the same company (a very small grocery/d... applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

Hello, My manager is a good person but a couple months in within my promotion to supervisor she changed and wasnt as happy as she use to be (she is a hard worker).. one day she called me to her office and staryed to say that my associates i manage dont tr
Hello, My manager is a good person but a couple months in within my promotion to supervisor she changed and wasnt as happy as she use to be (she is a hard worker).. one day she called me to her office... applies to Louisiana  ·  0 answers

Filed for unemployment while briefly out of country
I'm a NY state resident / US citizen. I tried to claim unemployment benefits for a week during which, for 5 days, I was in the US applying for jobs; for the last two days of the week I was in Europe. ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Who do I report unlawful termination to and what can I do to get compensation for my hardships?
Area lead lied about me to boss and got me terminated while I was in the process of filing intermittent fmla. One of my shifts that I for sure worked is now showing up in my termination letter as an u... applies to Utah  ·  0 answers

Retroactive FMLA Application
My wife missed work due to our 5-month old son's admittance to the emergency room with a diagnosis of pneumonia. She notified her employer that she would be out following normal call out procedures du... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

Do I have any legal rights?
I am a School Psychologist Associate who has worked with an Ohio ESC for 7 years, contracted for 6. Up until this year, I have been an exemplary employee with several high remarks from districts and v... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Where I work, there is a nepotism policy that states: (A) No relative of a trustee may be considered for appointment to any position at the College until all other sources of candidates have been expl... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Can an employer deny FMLA for Military Exigency even though the employee hasn't received FMLA P/W?
I am deploying next month and my husband indicated to his workplace's HR department that he would like to apply for FMLA due to qualified military exigency. When he first spoke to HR, he was told that... applies to Florida  ·  2 answers

Re: Dion Cassata--Equal Pay
Dion Cassata responded earlier concerning equal pay. I resigned as supervisor of security at my job because the management would not support me as supervisor, or the company's written policies concern... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

So I had a pre-planned trip for the weekend for myou kids. I became my father's sole caretaker when his dementia progressed and could not live alone. My brother was supposed to take father for weekend and at last minute cancelled. Ended up taking dad with
So I had a pre-planned trip for the weekend for my kids. I became my father's sole caretaker when his dementia progressed and he could not live alone. My brother was supposed to take father for weeken... applies to California  ·  0 answers

I'm a city employee and have been for 20 years, I've sick off and on in 2015 and 2016 . I had not recieved a note from one doctor and because of the they exspelled me for three days. Since then my attendance was better, i got sick two weeks ago of early p
I have been a Victim's Advocate for almost 20 years. I have been a dedicated employee. I have been sick on and off or the past year. I was reprimanded in January 2016 for not having a doctor's note ca... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I was previously on intermittent FMLA leave and had multiple surgeries in 2013. In 2014 I was hospitalized with a collapsed lung and a tuberculosis diagnosis and was out of work until mid May. I was fired because I had exhausted leave but am currently sti
I was on intermittent FMLA for my heart condition. In the year 2013 I had different surgeries for non related conditions endometriosis and I had an oral surgery from a wisdom tooth. In January 2014 I ... applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

So just over a week ago I got hired to do front desk as a super 8 hotel. I was thrilled because I've been doing housekeeping at various places for the last 15yrs. And I've always wanted to do front desk. So I did this course online thats required to start
So just over a week ago I got hired to do front desk as a super 8 hotel. I was thrilled because I've been doing housekeeping at various places for the last 15yrs. And I've always wanted to do front de... applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

wrongfull termination, descrimination, wage payment.
I was recently terminated for absenteeism/tardiness, this was the company's reason. My wife had major surgery and I needed to have time off to be home with the children. I had vacation time(7 days), s... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

What can I do about a co-worker that has extreme absences, filed an FMLA and is now pregnant?
3 union employees doing the same job (a sit down clerical position). The subject employee has had absenteeism problems for years and blows through her vacation time early in the year then just calls o... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

legal to refuse an employee work for off the job injury? dr note saying i can work
My job refuses to let me work even after I produced a Dr note saying I can return. Was told I could return when sprained shoulder is at one hundred percent or sign contract a saying I can't take meds ... applies to Kansas  ·  0 answers

What rights and potential remedies are available when an retaliated against due to FMLA
I was approved for FMLA leave to care for a serious health condition of my spouse. I was terminated by my employer due to a no-fault absence policy, but this termination was reversed after some of the... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Unfair treatment and termination
Let me start from the beginning, My husband and I worked for the same company, he was there for 13 years and I was there for 12 years, we helped to buld the company, nobody else there has been there f... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Can I be denied leave to care for my special needs child during a difficult transition to new school
My then 8 year old son has an autism spectrum disorder and ADD. His former special education school told us on August 28th that he would not have a position there starting the new school year in early... applies to New York  ·  0 answers

Church Politics
I was terminated from my job of 10 years as a Facility Manager of a rather large Episcopal Church. Every year a new "lay" employee is delegated the task of Buildings and Grounds, of which I am subject... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

I think my boss is targeting me because of intermittent FMLA use. Can I do anything about this?
I think my boss is targeting me because of FMLA use. I work for the post office, and I was awarded intermittent FMLA in October (it is now January) to provide care for my disabled spouse. At the end o... applies to Oregon  ·  0 answers

I believe this company that hired me is fake and have been having me print illegal checks! Now they owe me half a month's wages and are refusing to pay up! This in turn caused me to do research of my own, thus leaving me to believe the whole thing is some
I applied to a job listing through indeed, and was contacted back by a woman named Rhonda Auciello. She asked me a series of questions regarding the position and my ability to do the job. After the se... applies to Maryland  ·  0 answers

Is there anything anybody can do for me? I am desperate at this point!
I have been at Blackhawk Network for over a year now. I worked for Anna Lockhart and she was a good boss. Then there was no more need for me to be at that position and I was transferred under Bertha M... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Do I have a valid case of employment discrimination?
I have been employed at a Healthcare Billing company for over 1 year. At the time of my hire, I was told by the Hiring Supervisor that there was much room for growth for a person with the level of exp... applies to North Carolina  ·  1 answer

The Grass Isn't Always Greener
Three years ago I was hired by the L.A. County Office of Education as a secretary. After receiving FBI and DOJ clearance I went to work for a supervisor who was also new. She is very motivated and set... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Can my boss make me work against doctors orders? Can he fire me but not others for the same reasons?
I have been working where I'm working for 5 years, with CVS Pharmacy. I've transferred twice, making 3 stores that I've worked at. I'm a shift supervisor. I have two kids. Just recently, I've been hav... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

Can my employer deny me time off to go to a family members funeral
Can my employer deny me time off to go to a family members funeral applies to California  ·  2 answers

If an employee has been absent for several weeks, and applied for FMLA but had it denied, can they be held accountable to the attendance policy in place for the time missed?
Employee has been out for several weeks due to an illness of his girlfriend's daughter. He has exhausted his sick time and applied for FMLA. His FMLA has been denied. There is a company attendance pol... applies to New Mexico  ·  1 answer

My Employer in Violation of FMLA Laws?
I have a chronic condition in which I was approved for intermittent FMLA leave for time off for doctor appointments, physical therapy and time off in the condition is exasperated. My physician wrote t... applies to Michigan  ·  1 answer

disability and fml
My employer offers a disability leave of 8 weeks (unpaid). Can I take this leave as disability and then my 12 week fam. med. leave for a total of 20 weeks? Or are they one and the same? applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Emplyer change me from workers comp to Family leave Legal??
I went out on April 23, 2004 on Workers Comp (all paperwork filed)due to injury on job. I have been receiving pay from Workers Comp also. My employer is now telling me that my 12 week deadline is appr... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Can I require employee who told me 4 weeks off for surgery now to use vacation for the extra leave?
1) Can I require an employee to use vacation time if their requested time off after surgery exceeds their original timeline? 2) We are a small business with less than 25 FTE 3) The employee has a very... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

What am i required to pay someone who works for commisssion after they leave
i have just been given notice that my construction manager is leaving. he is paid a base salary plus commission. the commission is pad at the end of the job, after completion and customer is satisfied... applies to Florida  ·  2 answers

Is it legal to demote employee without notice when FMLA has expired?
I was in an auto accident and was put on leave by my doctor because I could not perform my regular duties. As FMLA came close to expiring I was not informed at all, but received a letter from HR three... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Is sick leave the same as FMLA?
I was out sick for 5 days with Flu and Strep Throat. My employee benefits include short term disablity benefits with full pay. My employer sent FMLA forms home for me to fill out. They indicated I has... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Vacation reimbursement
I am considering leaving my job. If I do, is my company required to pay me for unused vacation time (as in California)? Or do I lose that time if I don't use it before I leave? applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Docked half day's pay for going home early due to MSG poisoning from catered food at work.
I am allergic to MSG and will suffer migraine attacks. The caterers normally accommodate people with allergies and those ingredients are posted by the food. There was no posting of MSG as an ingredien... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Vacation Pay
I know that employers are not obligated to pay accrued vacation time at the time of separation and that it hinges on an "agreement between the employer and employee". My question is, what is meant by ... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

I just got a new job in Sept 2017. I've been told my performance is not meeting the quota of calls necessary so I might be fired. My question is that I have cumulatived a week of vacation that I can't take til February 2018. If I am let go would they have
Job started 9/1/2017 Accrued vacation time 1 week If I left the job or if I would be fired. Would I be eligible to receives the vacation pay of the hours I have accrued applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Returning to work from WC Disability, was told my position was filled.
I was injured at work after a hard fall in 2010. I have been off work since then and have exhausted all WC benefits (AME doctor said I was PS 10%, even though my treating doctor still recommends I be ... applies to California  ·  1 answer

I have an administrator who has been out for 4 days to care for her husband. She has not submitted any type of documentation from a doctor for this. Our School Board Policy is vague. Is there a certain number before FMLA paper has to be given?
I am a school treasurer. I have a concern about an administrator who is abusing sick leave. applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I am cleared to drive, Am I able to get my job back with USPS?
I was employeed for almost 5 yrs with USPS as a Sub-Mail Carrier AKA RCA. I began having episodes (seizures) that occured while I was driving my personal vehicle and then once in my mail truck. Comple... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

At-Will? Wrongful Termination?
I live in San Jose, Ca. California currently abides by "at-will" employment laws, supposedly allowing an employer to terminate an employee's position for any reason. But. . . . I work(ed) in an auto d... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Returing to work long enough to not have to reimburse benefits paid by employer after FMLA leave.
If I decided I don't want to return to work after FMLA maternity leave, I understand that I would have to reimburse my employer for my benefits they paid while I was off. How long would I have to work... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

In PA., as an exempt employee, can my employer use my PTO if I leave early 2 hours one day, even though I've already worked 45 hours in the week?
I generally work between 42 and 46 hours per week as an exempt employee. (manager) I recently had to leave 2 hours early one day and my supervisor took 2 hours of PTO out of my PTO bank to cover it ev... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Requested FMLA-am I on it?
I requested FMLA verbally upon emergency hospitalization. I assume it was granted. However i did not receive any paperwork from employer indicating I was granted FMLA or what my rights and responsibil... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Is this covenant not to compete considered unreasonable?
I am a veterinarian and was employed for more than three years before being fired. The reason for firing was because I told my boss I was opening my own practice in 6 months. My non compete clause sta... applies to Florida  ·  2 answers

Can my current employer sue my for taking business away from them?
I am a Sales Executive and I am looking to leave my company to work for another company similar in business. I plan on taking my accounts with me; can my current company sue me? I never signed a non-c... applies to California  ·  3 answers

How to proceed with nonpayment of a contract for work performed
I had a consulting job this summer and worked 43 hours. My contract stated I would perform marketing analysis tasks, which were not specified, gave no end date, did not outline specific deliverables, ... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Current company being purchased - have to go through re-hire
I have worked for the same company for 16 years - the company is being purchased by a larger company - we are technically promised to have a job there - each one has to go through the re-hire process.... applies to California  ·  2 answers

If employer promises increase in wage
Is it leagal for an employer to promise an increase in pay because of a new position, and then not give the increase and advise employees that they will now be doing the work of what it used to take 3... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

employee didn't call or show up for work for 2 days
I had an employee who was a no call, no show for 2 days. Still haven't heard anything from them. Is this job abandonment? applies to Florida  ·  2 answers

Can I be fired (without notification) while on maternity leave?
I had my son 8/24/12, I was not due until 9/15/12. I had sent in all required FMLA paperwork, even had my Mother fax it to ensure it was there a monthy ahead of due date. While I was off I recieve a l... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

Is a no compete valid if parts are missing/blank?
Is a non compete valid if it is not signed and dated by the company, they breach on their part and the geographical area is left blank? applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

sexual harrassment
I recently worked in a small diner as a waitress. my boss the owner was constantly making sexual comments like your having a good ass day today or even so far as to call a local radio stationand they ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

i was in the hospital for a week total between two different occasions and i had doctors notes for both times. When i called my boss, he told me to
I was fired after my boss advised me under text not to worrry about coming to work but to take care of my health. I did exactly what I was advised to do and provided a note to prove I was having medic... applies to California  ·  1 answer

I am a salary exempt employee my employer states hours will be deducted from my salary for days miss
My 30 day notice was given on 2/9/17 my last day of employment will be 3/10/17. I left work early on 2/20/27 sick. promptly went to the doctor on 2/21/17 and returned to work Friday 2/23/17. I am stil... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Am I eligible for unemployment
I was recently told that I needed to improve my performance at my job. I was give 3 weeks unpaid leave to sort out my personal issues. After the 3 weeks I was informed that nature of my work had been ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

can a employer tell you have to work 12hrs or else?
Ia am employed by a company for over a year now, and benn on a 8hr shift the whole time. They told me a day and half before that I was drafted to work 12hrs. I plead my case and in the end i was force... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Can my employer terminate me if not back by the end of the 12 weeks?
I have been on FMLA since 7/19/10 due to a serious illness. I used my 10 sick days from the start. My employer is using those days as my FMLA. Can they do that? I have been under the care of several s... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

I was put on bedrest the last 4 months of my pregnancy I was allowed my FMLA leave. I was out of work all together 6 months. When I returned to work I was demoted from assistant manager to just a cashier. I've been there for 8 years. Are they allowed to d
FMLA demotion applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

My Supervisor has told me that I am not meeting the expectations of my role, but doesn't really give me specific criteria about the expectations I am not meeting. I am getting the work done, she just doesn't seem to like the way I do things. I am an engin
I am a male engineer, 49 years old working for a Beverage Manufacturer in Cincinnati, OH. My Female Boss is trying to get rid of me so that she can hire a friend that she worked with at her previous p... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

Can I sue? I worked for USPS and quit to work for the corny I'm with right now. One of the reasons I chose to leave was bcz of the way my co-workers argued with the supervisors. They (both co-workers and) supervisors screamed loud and cursed at each other
This was a very stressful place to work at because of the way management would talk to us. applies to California  ·  2 answers

Time of Discovery?
If I have copies of emails from work that prove my claims of harassment from my supervisor, and have offered these emails to corporate officers ( proof of that also) who have stated no interest in vie... applies to California  ·  2 answers

Non-Compete Confidentiality Agreement
My position as a Personal Assistant was recently eliminated by ABC. I have been approached about the same type of position with another company XYZ. XYZ is a client of my former company. ABC provides ... applies to Florida  ·  2 answers

My company sold their business to another company. I had accrued vacation on the books with the former company. Should they pay me for the remaining vacation that I earned.?
New company took over July 1,2016. Believed vacation was carried over. Just found out today,November 14,2016, that my accrued vacation from my former company will not be paid. applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

I was recently affected by a company laid off in Florida. They did not payout unused PTO days. Hourly employees earn vacation and sick pay... they received payouts. Salaried employees earn PTO days to use for days off whether sick or
See question applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Office has a 35-hour work week. Do I get straight pay for 35 to 40 & then 1.5 over 40
Our company has a 35-hour work week. I sometimes work an extra 10 hours a week, for which my company refuses to pay overtime, saying I have to "adjust" and take time off the next week. They say we don... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

severance package rights in case of quitting
I have been working for the same company for ten years as a manager and would like to quit. Do I have the right for a severance package if I quit or do I get it only if I get fired? applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Can benefits be selectively changed for a small group
I work for a large US company, part of a multi-national. The company has US-wide benefits policy for all 20000 employees. The company purchased a small company. My unit with 125 employees was integrat... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Employer's right to information from physician
I am currently on intermittent FMLA and am required to provide a doctor's excuse every time I use any accrued time for my condition, even if I only use 30 minutes. Is this within the regulations of FM... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

I have been on a medical leave for 3 months. I returned to work for 3 days. I had to extend my lea
I was still sick and had to extend my medical leave 7 weeks. I got a letter from my employer stating I voluntarily quit and am no longer employed. Do I have a wrongful termination case? applies to California  ·  2 answers

can I take legal action against my proir employer
I had foot surgery and was to be out for 8 weeks. My previous employer had me come back one week after surgery even though I provided a doctors note. While at work my foot bone broke again and now I h... applies to California  ·  2 answers

can I take legal action against my proir employer
I had foot surgery and was to be out for 8 weeks. My previous employer had me come back one week after surgery even though I provided a doctors note not releasing me from my doctors care. While at wor... applies to California  ·  1 answer

My bf is the assistant manager in a produce department at a grocery store in Florida. His manager (manger of the department) was from a workers comp medical issue. My bf was given the temp title of manager and a $1 an hour pay increase. Its been a year. T
Grocery store in Florida. Boss was on medical leave from a workers comp injury. $1 an hour pay increase and temp title was given. It has been a year. The manager is now coming back next week full time... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

When should I receive my paycheck?
I recently quit my job before my 90 day probation. I had observed that the clinic was practicing many procedures not in regulation with the Dept of Health. eg. Allowing non-licensed personnel administ... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

I have several factors: I got injured on the job stepping out of office due to no lighting outside missed step and fractured ankle..Doctor put me on modified work but I have been off work on Disability due to severe depression due to the loss of my spouse
Believe I was demoted wrongfully applies to California  ·  1 answer

At Will Employment and No Notification of Firing
I am a waitress in Ohio and had an argument with my boss about his sister-in-law and her favoritism techniques in doing our schedules and gossiping to other employees. I was, subsequently, taken off t... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

Non Compete and Severance
Hello I was recently let go from my company due to cut backs. I did not have a non compete agreement in affect. I was entitled to a severance package. When I received the severance agreement it has a ... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

I work for a home health care company and only work for one specific client. The client is going to drop this agency I work for and is trying to get all of the nurses to sign with the new agency she has chosen. We all signed a non compete agreement. it sa
We (the nurses) got a letter from the prospective employer stating that we have nothing to worry about and we can go to work for them and not worry about a law suit. The current company sent us a lett... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  3 answers

I was an assistant manager at my job and another company bought it. They demoted me because I didn't have my drivers license. Is that legal?
I went from assistant manager to cashier because I don't have a driver's license applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Client/Employer purchased my credit report without my permission
I'm a software contractor. Three days after beginning a contract the client called me into their office and asked me to explain some negatives on my credit report that were over 3 years old. Do I have... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

FMLA/ restoration not key employee
A week before returning to work from FMLA, my work provided me the completed form for Family and Medical Leave Act Request, this form states on the second page that I am not a key employee and that th... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

should i still get 25 hours a week?
i am considered a part time employee i was working a steady for 25 hours a week before i went on medial leave or until the job was done witch gave me a lot more hours then 25. i had been working the s... applies to California  ·  2 answers

Can my employer advertise my position at work while I am on Disability Leave?
Hello, I was out on a month long disabiltiy leave due to a biopsy that has proven a diagnosed disease. During the time I was home, I noticed on my work blackberry that my position was being advertised... applies to California  ·  2 answers

Possible Class Action.
Possible Class Action. Company might have a policy of isolating individuals on medical leave to force them to quit. I'm a nurse for a local hospital network, and they said you had to be 100% non-disab... applies to Illinois  ·  3 answers

I was terminated yesterday for not reporting to work while under doctors orders to remain off of work until Sept. 19th. My employer had the proper documentation from my doctor, as well as speaking to my doctor over the phone. I was still terminated?
I was order off of work from Sept 8 through Sept 18th by my doctor. My employer was notified, and given the proper doctors statement. Upon returning to work, i was fired for no call...no show. Is this... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Employees rights against demotion.
Dear Sir/Madame, I would like to request information regarding employees' rights against demotion in Ohio. My husband was demoted due to reasons that we believe were not justifiable. It did not have a... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

While on st disabil after surgery, I want to give my 3 wks notice. Empler says I can't til off disab
Employer says I can't give notice to leave employment til I'm off short term disability. Then 3 wks. Can they do this? applies to Vermont  ·  1 answer

suspended for bad credit
I worked for a company for 2 months and was just recently suspended for having bad credit and told I should not be handling cash. I was told after I clean my credit up I can come back.I was told they ... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

After calling in sick for three days, I'm being forced to resign or sign a new offer letter with a significant pay cut by being put on unpaid admin leave?? Is this legal especially when I have 165 hours of pto saved up?
After calling in sick for three days, I'm being forced to resign or sign a new offer letter with a significant pay cut by being put on unpaid admin leave?? I am an exempt employee and I have 165 hrs o... applies to California  ·  1 answer

not allowed to return to work
i am employed as a contract employee (court attendant) and recently encountered a situation with a co-worker that resulted in my asking the supervisor for a transfer from what i believed a harraring s... applies to California  ·  1 answer

do I need a sick day for a 1 day absences
I contacted my direct supervisor the night before stating I would not be in the following day. My supervisor responded "that it was not a problem" his supervisor then required a dr's note. I was out f... applies to North Carolina  ·  1 answer

I'm sorry there is no way to sum this up in 100 characters or less
I joined a start up company 3 months ago, was put in charge as a creative director, and had employees under me. 6 months prior to my employment the company was shaky, had bad client relationships etc.... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  3 answers

Employer will not accept physician release
My employer has asked me to take a fitness exam after my physician released me back to my job without limitation. I had a partial shoulder replacement on January 26th. I did not ask my employer for me... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

laid for family emergencie boss told me told me to use my vaction days shortly laid for attandance
can i sue or collect money in this matter applies to California  ·  1 answer

I had a mini stoke in Sept due to stress and my Dr. says its work elated. he took me off work until jan 12 and my employer put me on FMLA... I have the approved papers. I got a call today from my employer that they want me to come in and go over some fina
I had a mini stoke in Sept due to stress and my Dr. says its work related. he took me off work until jan 12 and my employer put me on FMLA... I have the approved papers. I got a call today from my emp... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Can my employer open up an FMLA claim for me without my approval after an on the job injury?
As a flight attendant my friend had an on the job injury, and after a few weeks found out that her airline opened an fmla claim on her behalf instead of workmans comp. Please advise. applies to New York  ·  2 answers

Breach of contract
i'm in sales, and i signed an offer letter that stated salary plus commission at 3% with no minimum amount. then my employer comes back stating that i have to get 25,000 a month to bonus. I finally do... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

Docking pay
Im a full time employee and I get paid salary. My employer wants to dock me 1 hour pay for being more than 10 min late and 1 hour pay for being more than 5 min late coming back from a break. He had me... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Salaried Employee docked pay for 1 day off.
I am an exempt salaried employee. My duties include supervisory, administrative and I am also on call 24 hours a day for emergency situations. I work in a Customer Service Help Desk. This year I was i... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

I have been caring for my wife after cancer surgery. I was placed on unpaiid leave after my PFL ran out. The company has since reorganized and now wants to bring me back as a part time employee. Previously I was a fulltime salaried employee. Can they do t
I have been caring for my wife after cancer surgery. I was placed on unpaid leave after my PFL ran out. The company has since reorganized and now wants to bring me back as a part time employee. Previo... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Change in Commission Plans
Does a New Non-Compete have to be signed after every commission plan change, They keep changing to lower are over compensation applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

worked for a major bank for 17 years-(I was a Vice president) was terminated but received no severen
applies to Connecticut  ·  1 answer

non compete?
I am a salon owner. I have spent thousands of dollars promoting stylists. Recently one of them went across the street to work on her own. My fear is that other employees will follow. If I do not a non... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

What remedies should I consider re my former employer not paying contracted severance pay?
Our employer offered an early retirement incentive plan, which included severance pay offered on a sliding scale, based on years of employment. Agreements were signed, and the exit interview form spec... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

I was discharged from my managment position and offered a minimum wage job. How do I not accept the
I was an assistant Marketing Director. I was discharged and a man was hired and started the next day. I was given no reason. I asked if I was fired and my boss said no we have a minimum wage position ... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

Can a non-compete clause be enforceable if my distributor's area has changed?
When first being hired by my company, I signed a non compete listing counties that the non compete was held to. If my employer no longer has the distribution rights to many of those counties and areas... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

How do I get compisated for being in hospital then let go with no other position
Hi. In the past 3 weeks I was hospitalized for a week and sent home on bed rest for the next 2 weeks. I immediately told my manager when I was in the hospital sent him a Dr note and a release note whe... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Soliciting former employer's clients...
I work for a registered investment advisory firm in California, and I'm looking to either go to another firm or start my own firm. Here are the facts: 1) There is NO non-compete or employment agreemen... applies to California  ·  1 answer

I was approved for FML in May for my pregnancy (due in DEC)
I was approved for FML in May for my pregnancy (Due in DEC) and i have taken several days off. I recently inquired how many hours i had available to me, at this time, i was instructed I have taken too... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

Former client contacted me.
I recently left an organization AZ which was bought out by a new company. The new company cut base salaries and there would be no exceptions. Since I left, I have had 2 former clients contact me wanti... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

I have had several problems with my asthma over the past year resulting in me missing some time from work now and then. I have been taken off work a couple of times by my doctor and I have given those... applies to California  ·  3 answers

How many weeks vacation is my employer on the hook for?
I am a twenty-three employee who has 5 weeks vacation and given my full two weeks notice. To date, I have used two weeks and would still be owed three. My question is in regards to next year. I have b... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

What is necessary for an employer to void a NCA?
I am subject to a 1 year NCA in a geographic location identified as "any location within the United States" (too broad?) on an at-will basis. I was hired to secure business with a specific prospect wh... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Competition without any non-compete clause
Dear Mel: I have worked for a local computer repair company for about 8 months. I never signed a non-competition agreement of any kind. My former boss kept demanding that I buy him out as he has moved... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

neneed urgent answer re FMLA , etc. before April 11, 2001, please!
Please help! I was attacked by a fellow crewmember on a ship and required major spine surgery December 8, 2000, and have been on leave since then (16 weeks more or less) receiving 60% of my salary thr... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

I am a 47 year old male
3 months ago my CEO took me to lunch and ask told me my job was secure and not to look for another position. Last week they dismissed me without cause after 6 years of proven success. They have offere... applies to Georgia  ·  2 answers

I hired an employee with an offer letter with salary, bonus eligibility, PTO, etc. in Dec. 2017. The employee resigned Dec 2018 and was rehired Jan 2019. No new offer letter was given. Do I have to honor the original offer letter since the employee resign
The employee resigned again Jan 2020. applies to Colorado  ·  1 answer

Isn't my job protected when on disability?
I live in northeast Ohio. I used up my FMLA time during the summer, some of that time was approved short term disability. I returned to work for a month and my doctor has put me back on disability whi... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

Having it both ways....
I am a teacher for a local community college vocational school. I am salaried, and exempt. I rarely work less than 55 hours per week, and some weeks have worked in excess of 70 hours. My employer has ... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

Game Plan for Paid Leave after FMLA Expires
After checking various sections of your portal, I have the following question: My wife is currently disabled and is nearing the end of her 12-week FMLA period. As she needs additional time for treatme... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

We have 29 employees total - are we required to follow FMLA regulations?
We have 29 employees total - 14 in Ohio, 5 in PA, 1 in NJ, 1 in GA and 1 in FL and 7 Over The Road Truck Drivers What do we need to do as far as FMLA if anything - I recall there being a stipulation a... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

can I be told not to call in anymore if I have accrued six weeks sick leave?
I recently found out my step mother has throat/ lung cancer and she lives 3 hours away. I called in my sick leave every day consecutively while caring for my step mother. While in Indiana caring for m... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

We get paid on the 1st and 15th of each month. Our Employee Manual states “Should payday fall
We get paid on the 1st and 15th of each month. Our Employee Manual states “Should payday fall on a recognized holiday in which the company is officially closed, you will be paid on the last working ... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Does Shingles classify as a serious medical condition for FMLA?
Does Shingles classify as an alowable serious medical condition? applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

my employer wont pay me for a holiday that falls on a weekday if i ask for pto the day before or after, is this legal?
see above applies to California  ·  1 answer

I was of work on std 7 mo. After surgery. I have been back a yr now but not accruing vacation time.
Had been with the company several years before going on short term disabilty my boss told me corporate has me listed as a new hire and I am now eligible for insurance again. What are my rights ? applies to California  ·  1 answer

If I'm on approved intermittent FMLA for a year due to my fibromyalgia. Can my boss require me to have my doctor fill out the FMLA paperwork each time I'm out for more than 3 days? Can they also charg... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Being out on medical leave and returning can they not honor your availability you were hired with?
i was out on medical leave for twelve weeks getting paid by myh companies insurer. i gave them notes from my doctor every time i received one. i had two surgeries once i was cleared i gave them the cl... applies to Connecticut  ·  1 answer

I have FMLA and I was mandated to work another 8 hour shift and I couldn't so I used my FMLA can I asked to bring in a doctor's note with my FMLA?
My FMLA states that if I have to use FMLA to leave while mandated I can do so. It's written in bold. I also was mandated 9 minutes before it my shift was done. applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Salary or Hourly??????
I am paid on a salary basis. I do not get over time if I work over 40 hours. I was informed recently that my boss does not pay for sick or holiday time. However, he did not let that be known until he ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Can I collect Vacation hours while collecting Disability insurance while on maternity leave in California?
I collected 80 hours of vacation time while on maternity leave and collecting disability pay, My work says you cant do that and is now taking my next pay check... is that right? I was under the unders... applies to California  ·  1 answer

can i be demoted and my work schedule changed after returning to work after fmla maternity leave
Prior to leaving on maternity leave I asked my boss if I was not being hired full time due to me being pregnant. I asked because I have been with this department for many years, and people with only m... applies to California  ·  2 answers

Clarify separation agreement with confidentiality clause in terms of unemployment interview.
If I signed a separation agreement as part of a severance package that includes a confidentiality clause can I answer questions in my unemployment interview without violating the agreement and losing ... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Company missed payroll.
What can I do to collect wages owed to me? Last week the President of our firm, in a conference call two days before pay day, told all salaried employees of our firm that he was not going to pay us fo... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Have an Employment Law question?